Chapter twenty

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I was looking through my notes for maths when my study session was rudely interrupted by a couple of freshman talking really loudly.

"Did you hear that?" one of the girls squeaked. I don't know how people could deal with being friends with someone who had such an annoying voice.

"I can't believe that there has been a murder in Rivertown" one of them whispered but didn't actually whisper since everyone in the library turned their heads toward them.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

No, they had to be mistaken. There was no way that someone would have found the bodies. I buried them in a place where nobody ever came.

I shook my head, they were talking about something entirely different. I laughed to myself. I was so pathetic for believing some freshman about a murder. That was just crazy talk.

I put my books in my bag since there was no way that I would be able to revise for my test with these idiots around.

The library lady was on the edge of snapping if the way that she was clutching her cup was anyway to come by.

I walked out of the library and there were groups of students talking to each other in hushed excited voices. This was very strange.

I told myself that they were talking about an upcoming test but I don't know if I could ever believe myself.

This didn't seem like the ordinary school stuff that everyone was talking about.

I head students saying the word police and murder more times than I could count. I started sweating a little bit and there was sweat running down my back.

I felt a little sick to my stomach but there was no reason to freak out.

I headed to the toilets to calm myself down. My heartbeat was beating a million miles per hour.

In the toilets I splashed water on my face and I did some exercises that my mother taught me when I was little.

Make a fist and count to ten. The rest of your body should be relaxed during this exercise. After ten minutes I relax my fist. I did this a couple of times and I felt my body relax.

My heartbeat finally slowed down and I stopped sweating so badly.

But then there was a voice through the intercom:

"Could all students come to the assembly hall immediately."

In a daze I walked to the assembly hall and I took a seat in the back row. Students were talking in excited voices to each other since something like this has never happened before.

Rivertown was a place where nothing happened.

The assembly hall was packed with students when the head master walked onto the stage. Beside him were two police agents.

The students fell silent and all eyes were directed at the police officers.

The head master stepped forward and spoke into the microphone with her smooth voice:

"Last night a student went out for a run and found a body of the parents of a girl here at school. She isn't present today since she obviously has difficulty processing this news."

The head master stopped talking and looked at the paper in his hands. His hands were trembling and his eyes looked glossy in the low lighting in the assembly hall.

Her voice trembled when she started speaking again.

"Cassandra Leopold's parents were found yesterday in the industrial area of town. She is shocked by the news and she is taking some time for herself. The police officers want to say something in behalf of the victims."

The police officers stepped forwards. One of them had a big moustache and his hair was greyish with brown hair here and there. The officer next to him didn't look like he was about to die on stage. He had orange hair and blue eyes.

If I wasn't straight, then I would consider him to be handsome.

The old one started speaking: "We have reason to believe that the murderer is here in this hall. We want to interview everyone here on their location when the victims were murdered. The roster for these interrogations will be made and your parents will get a message about the murder."

The old guy told this with a straight face as if news like this happened everyday.

Then the redhead stepped forwards and said "have a nice day everybody."

The combination of the police officers was so unexpected and surprising that I almost laughed but then I remembered the seriousness of this situation.

I know I didn't murder anybody, but I have hid the bodies.

Why would I do that? I am now guilty of murder, I helped the murderer get rid of the bodies. I can dream going to Harvard goodbye, because they definitely wouldn't accept a murderer into their school.

I started sweating again and I had difficulty breathing.

This is what happens when you decide to help a friend.

I walked out of the assembly hall in a daze.

The only thing that kept echoing in my brain was the word: Murderer.

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