Chapter twenty-nine

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I walked down the stairs, hating how much the weight of my body caused the steps to creak. Ever since my mother told me off for eating a cupcake, I cant help myself.

I have looked more times in the mirror this week while holding up my t-shirt to see my belly than I ever have for the rest of my life. I also hated that my mind had such difficulties choosing between eating an apple or eating a delicious chocolate cupcake.

I was perfectly content with eating a bag of chips on the couch while watching a Netflix series. I didn't want to stay downstairs too much these days because of my mother.

I was standing in the kitchen, ready to poor myself a glass of water. I was reading my book down stairs at the dinner table when I heard someone walking downstairs.

I already knew that it was my mother, since my father was at work during the day. My mother was standing there looking like she was ready for a formal dinner party, but it was only ten o'clock in the morning according to my watch.

I tried to look like I was engrossed into my book, but I was mentally preparing myself. She never said mean things when my dad was here but only when I was alone.

I told myself: Don't let her words effect you. That's all they are really, just words. They do not mean anything.

But I knew that no matter what I told myself, my mother would always make sure that the words hit a weak spot.

"You know which article I read yesterday" my mother said in her supposedly sweet words. I shook my head and tried not to make eye contact. I definitely didn't want to know about the article that she read yesterday.

"It was about teens that did not exercise a lot but they were sitting on their couch or in their bed all day. It makes teens lazy and there are more obese teenagers than ever before. Maybe it is time to also start running before school starts. God knows that you need it with how unhealthy and the enormous amount of food that you eat" she said to me pointedly.

The words don't mean anything I told myself, except they definitely did.

I stared at myself in the mirror before going downstairs to eat something before school. Except, I never did eat something before school. I hungry, but whenever I tried to force food down in the morning, it always came back up.

I decided this morning that I did not even want to try to I packed my backpack. Going to school was just for formality since there was no way that I would be able to concentrate after last night.

The words "better luck next time" were echoing in my brain together with the sounds of a camera flashing.

Jim and I tried to run after the photographer but they were already gone when we arrived at the parking lot.

I stepped into my car and drove to school on autopilot. Jim and me did not have a lot of motivation yesterday night to come up with a new plan.

When I drove onto the parking lot, I parked my car and then I through the door open. I stepped out of my car and walked towards the entrance of the school.

People were usually whispering about me but there was no sound at all when I walked towards the entrance. People was just staring at me but no one was actually saying anything.

I found this extremely odd. I tried to push of the whispers of doubt saying that going to school was a bad idea, away.

I walked through the entrance and then I stopped walking. I could not stop staring at the pictures that were hanging onto the wall.

I was trying not to freak out in the middle of the hallway. Especially, since there were people looking at me right now. I ripped on of the pictures from the wall for further inspection.

The picture was of me and Jim sitting behind the computer in the janitor's office. You could very clearly see that it was me and Jim.

Before I could run out of the school, there was something that pulled my attention. That was the text that was written under the photo.

"Look who I saw breaking into the school. I don't think that Harvard and Yale would like this news" it said.

I considered ripping all of the papers off the wall but there were just so much of them hanging here. And this was only a little part of the school.

The thought of my teachers, the principal and my classmates seeing this photo was making me sick to my stomach.

There were tears gathering behind my eyes but I couldn't let people see me that vulnerable. I let the paper fall on the ground and I turned around.

I ran out of the school and I jumped into my car and drove myself home. I parked my car and sat there for a while.

I felt my phone buzz, which was unusual since I didn't get a lot of messages.


They went too far this time. Let's take this bitch down.

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