Chapter twenty-four

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"So where were you on Wednesday night?" the police officer, Patrick, asked me in an accusing tone. There were drops of sweat on my forehead.

I felt light headed and my legs were trembling. I was a nervous mess. They have to suspect me now, otherwhise I wouldn't be so nervous because of a couple of questions.

"I was at a friend" I told them. My voice was quiet in this empty classroom. It would be too much of a hassle to bring all the students to the office for an investigation so the school gave them an empty classroom for their research.

"Which friend?" he asked me. I told them that I was at my friend Ridley's place.

"Can we have his contact information?" Patrick asked me. This question made me nervous. Did he think I was lying? Did he think I was a murderer?

Only now, I know the consequences of what can happen if you help a murderer. Burying a body is almost as bad as coming the murder.

No matter what, I was still part of the crime.

I gave Patrick Ridley's phone number and his e-mail address. Patrick looked sceptical with the information which made me bounce my knee under the table I was sitting at.

I desperately wanted to go the toilet to drink some water and splash some water on my face to cool down. Thankfully, Patrick let me go after a couple of minutes when he was confirming with Ridley that I was at his place at the time of the murder.

After the phone call, I got a smile from Patrick for the first time since I walked through the doorway of his 'office'. I get that trying to find a murderer was crucial and important but politeness wouldn't kill anyone.

After the initial excitement of the murder died down, there was only place for sadness. The atmosphere in the school has been depressing and there hasn't been a sign of Cassandra these last few days.

She still has to convince everybody that she is innocent and that she is heartbroken over the news that her parents were murdered.

The fact that someone has moved the bodies after I buried them brings chills to my body. I couldn't seem to fall asleep last night.

Did someone see me burying the bodies? Where they going to expose me when they got the chance to speak to Patrick?

They didn't tell anyone since there was no police bringing me to court of there aren't any students looking at me with freaked out expressions.

I walked to the toilets and I let out a deep sigh. I could hardly look myself in the mirror after everything that has happened the last few days.

I splashed water on my face and headed to my locker at the far end of the school. They gave me the shittiest location in the whole school.

The lockers at this end were isolated from the rest of the school. There was low lighting in the school since it was already past four o'clock,

Most teachers and students already went home, celebrating that the weekend has finally arrived after such a difficult week has passed.

I went to locker 113 and opened it with my key. I through open my locker which was a mess. In my locker were notes I took during class, some books that haven't been opened since the beginning of the school year and some snacks when I had a free period.

I put the books that I would need for making my homework in my bag. One of the papers that was lying in my locker fell on the ground.

I bent to pick it up from the ground and was surprised to find that this paper looked differently from the others. This paper didn't have any writing lines and it was also thicker than the normal paper that I used for notes.

I opened the paper to see what was writing inside.


The text was written with a bright red marker. Because of the bright colours and the use of capital letters, the sentence seemed more threatening.

I looked at my surroundings. It made me extra aware that I was almost alone in the school right now. There was a shiver that went over my backside.

I through my locker closed and started walking to the nearest exit. My paranoia was reaching its limits. My breathing became louder and shallower.

I started running to the exit and I thought the doors of the school open. I ran of the school property and didn't look back once.

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