Chapter twenty-three

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I cautiously started my laptop. The last couple of months I have opened my e-mail with hope blooming in my chest and each time I was left disappointed.

Till this day neither Nev or Kamie has contacted me. The longer I am texting with Adam, the more I actually want to see him. Whenever he tells me about his life in India, the food there or the beautiful nature, the more badly I want to visit him.

Unfortunately, I am a poor high schooler who can't pay for a ticket to India.

Besides that, I don't know if Adam is the person he says he is.

I typed in my password and my heart stopped beating when I saw that I have one new e-mail. I told my heart to stop beating so fast. You only get disappointed if you hope something happens.

I clicked on the app that would open my inbox. I jumped out of my chair when I saw who the e-mail was from. I cant believe this is actually happening right now.

I resisted the urge to do a little dance and throw my hands in the air. That would be incredibly childish, but fuck it. I did the dance anyway.

After I was calmed down from all the excitement, I was almost afraid to open the e-mail. What if they were actually rejecting me for the show? Maybe they had more exciting or important Catfish stories to get to.

I clicked on the e-mail.

To: Kayla Vadana
From: Nev Schulman

Hi Kayla,

What an exciting story. We are intrigued and we would like to hear more about you and Adam. Is there anyway you could jump on in the Zoom?


My hands were shaking. Okay, this is going to be fine. I am going to jump on the Zoom and they are going to help me. They wouldn't give you false hope to just reject you the next moment.

This is going to be alright.

I clicked on the Zoom link. Kamie and Nev were on my laptop screen holding Starbucks in their hands. They were both laughing at my excitement. But could you really fault me for being starstruck after seeing 'Catfish' so many times with Brooke?

"Hey Kayla, it's nice to finally meet you" Nev said with a smile. He was sitting in the head quarters from 'Catfish' while Kamie was sitting at home.

"This is just so unreal, I can't believe that you guys are going to help me" I told them with a bright smile.

"Awh, that is so sweet" Kamie said while taking a sip of her caramel coloured drink. Nev and Kamie didn't look surprised that I was so excited. Nev has already hosted a lot of episodes so I shouldn't be surprised

"Can you tell us a bit more about your relationship with Adam?" Nev asked me.

"Well you probably already read my e-mail which contains a lot of valuable information. Adam and I met on this online game and we started texting on the app. After a while we exchanged phone numbers."

"We started as friends but after a year and a half I started developing feelings for him. I told him about my feelings and then he admitted to feeling the same way as me. This is my first relationship so you can't imagine how excited I was to have a boyfriend for the first time."

Nev and Kamie were smiling at my explanation of how Adam and me got together. I catch myself smiling at those days when I think about them. They were the most chaotic and confusing days of my life but I wouldn't change anything.

"What do you find attractive about Adam?" Kamie asked me curiously.

"I like that Adam always brings a smile to my face no matter what happened that day. He is such a bright and positive light in my life. He is extremely funny and easy going guy. He is also a very caring person" I explained.

There were just so many things that I liked about Adam. I don't know how to bring my feelings about him in words but this was the best I could do.

"This sounds absolutely wonderful, but why did you have suspicious of Adam being a catfish?" Nev asked me.

"I am suspicious because Adam has ghosted me a couple of times. He just disappeared for a few days and one time even weeks. Then he starts texting me again and every time I still catch feelings for this guy. Something else that rases red flags is the fact that we have never facetimed" I told them.

"Do you guys call each other a lot?" Kamie asked.

"Yes, we do. We usually call each other almost everyday and our conversations last from an hour to a couple of hours. Conversation with him is very easy and addictive" I told them blushing.

It was weird explaining your relationship and your feelings on national television. I know this conversation is being recorded for the show.

"What excuses does he have for not face timing with you?" Nev asked me. I explained to them that he would always say that he has to work or that he has a broken camera. They roll their eyes since these are typical catfish excuses for not face timing.

"Okay, so we want to help you figure out if this relationship between you and Adam is real. Can you send us the information you have about Adam so we can sort this whole situation for you?

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