Chapter eight

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Unknown number: Be ready at 7. We're going to a party.

I looked at my phone and assumed at this was Noah texting me. I scoffed at the rude text since Noah could have at least said "Hi".

I wondered who's part we are going to?

I looked at my closet and nothing seemed right anymore. I didn't know what to wear or what kind of party I am going to.

A pair of skinny jeans and a t-shirt will have to do.

I washed my hair and ready to do my make-up. But I usually didn't put make-up on, so why now? I combed through my curly brown hair in frustration.

It wasn't like I was trying to impress Noah.

I was on my way to my room to put on the weirdest outfit I could find to embarrass Noah but unfortunately the bell rung to signal that Noah was here.

I opened the door and I was surprised. Noah had put on a white blouse with light blue jeans. His hair was combed back. In this light you could really see his light brown freckles on his nose and cheekbones.

Noah looked me up and down and I saw an emotion in his eyes that I couldn't place.

I turned my head away from his so he couldn't see the light blush that was forming on my cheeks.

"We're already late Walkers so move along" he said to me with an irritated voice.

That was the moment where I realised that Noah was a dick and he wasn't this friendly guy. I didn't even know what I was thinking when I though that he could be remotely attractive.

I needed to forget this weird thing with Noah and focus on getting Sebastian's attention at the party.

He was definitely going to be there since he was invited to all the party's. The perks of being the most popular and friendliest guy in the school.

I walked to Noah's green jeep and stepped inside. I didn't expect his car to be so tidy. I thought he was the kind of guy that just left clothes and food lingering in his car.

I was scared to find a bra or underwear from one of his infamous hook ups with girls.

The thought of Noah with another girl brought some ugly feeling in my stomach that I pushed down and didn't want to think about ever again.

We drove to the part in silence since Noah didn't initiate any conversation. I didn't want to speak to him anyway.

We were driving for 10 minutes and then we got to a gated community. Noah talked into the speaker and then the door opened to let us through.

Noah drove to one of the huge mansions in the street. It was white with blue accents here and there.

There was a stair leading up to the door which was made from wood. The lock on the door was massive. I couldn't see any door bell so I knocked on the door as hard as I could.

The door opened a few seconds later and there in the doorway was one of the worst people alive.

It was Cassandra.

She was the meanest person in the whole school. She was known for breaking hearts and getting boyfriends to cheat on their girlfriend with her.

If you told her one of your secrets then the whole school would know it the next day.

You can't trust Cassandra.

Cassandra looked at me disapprovingly. Her eyes flicked to Noah and she laughed at him. I didn't like that at all.

"Oh my god Noah, you were the perfect person I was looking for" she said. Cassandra dragged Noah inside.

Cassandra was talking a million miles per hour. Noah and her went upstairs and I heard Cassandra talking about her new room makeover.

I walked to the living room searching for the person that I was actually here to see: Sebastian.

I heard his laugh in the hallway and I also instantly had a smile on my face.

That was just the effect that Sebastian had on people.

I walked into the room and strange enough I heard someone say my name.

"Hey Rachel" Sebastian said to me. He walked towards me with a smile around his lips. I don't know why he was directing this smile towards me.

"Hi Sebastian, I am really sorry about that fight we had" I told him.

Sebastian's smile grew a little wider.

"It's okay. I forgive you. I heard you got together with Noah this week" he said. There was a stiffness in his body that wasn't there before. His smile also didn't seem genuine anymore.

"Uhm yes, we did" I told Sebastian. I didn't know that everyone already knew.

"Well I am so happy for you" he told me in a fake cheery smile. I didn't know why Sebastian was acting so odd today.

"Are you okay?" I asked him in a concerned voice. Maybe he didn't feel well.

"I'm fine" he said with gritted teeth. He didn't sound fine at all. He sounded mad but I didn't do anything that could have caused this reaction.

"Hey guys" Noah said to his friends who were talking behind us. Then something happened that I didn't expect.

Sebastian lunged for Noah and threw the first punch of the evening. 

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