Chapter twenty-six

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I looked at the watch on my wrist and started picking up my pace. I had to push myself through the many students that were walking down the hallway.

The bell rung for the second time in five minutes. Great, that means I am officially late.

I opened the classroom and closed it behind me. I think I ran into the wrong classroom since it was empty and almost al the curtains were closed.

I squinted my eyes. Was there someone sitting on the ground? My heart started beating faster. What was some creep doing in an empty classroom?

I did a few steps backward but then I stepped on a empty bottle of paint. The bottle moved when I stepped on it and the weirdo looked up at me.

We looked at each other, both unsure what to do right now. After an awkward silence, the intruder just looked down at their lap.

I saw that they were holding a book. The intruder seemed harmless so I made my way to their side and sat next to them on the ground.

"Hey, what are you reading?" I asked them. Because I was closer to the intruder, I saw that it was a boy. He had red unruffled hair.

He looked at me with his long eyelashes and I would notice those intense green eyes anywhere. I can't believe that I am here sitting on the ground in this empty classroom with Sebastian.

He rolled his eyes and just looked back at his book. His shoulders were stiff and his body seemed rigid. I took this as my sign to leave.

I stood up and I brushed of the dust on my blouse which had a coffee stain and the new dark blue skirt I was wearing. I went to the door and I pushed down the door handle.

Nothing happened. I tried again but the door just wouldn't open.

"Great" I heard Sebastian mutter under his breath from behind me. I am sure that I had a worse day than him. Firstly, I spilled coffee on myself. A great way to start your morning. After that, I am late to class and now I am stuck in a dark and empty classroom with Sebastian.

Even though I was annoyed, there was nothing to be done right now. I turned back to Sebastian and made my way to sit next to him. It would be weird, if I sat at the other end of the classroom.

I didn't want to make this situation worse for either me or Sebastian.

I sat down and I ruffled through my backpack, searching for the book that I had to read for English. It was a book about boys that got stranded on a island without adults.

It was a pretty good book considering the books that we had to read the last couple of years. I don't think I would ever read worse books than 'The Broken Bridge' or 'A Northern Light.'

I read a few pages but there wasn't much light in the classroom. The intense staring at the pages of my book, was giving me a headache.

I looked at Sebastian who seemed lost in his book. His eyes looked like a darker shade of green than usual.

"So, what book are you reading?" I asked him curiously. Sebastian looked at me with an annoyed expression. Maybe talking to him while he was reading wasn't the best idea.

"Lord of the flies" he replied without looking away from the page he was reading. So maybe Sebastian wasn't in the mood to talk right now.

"Wow, I am reading that too" I told him excited. It would be great if I could talk to someone about the book before the test we had next week. Maybe he had different opinions or views than me.

"Okay" he told me.

There was a silence after that. I don't know how long the silence lasted since there wasn't a clock in the classroom. I looked at the paper that was lying all over the ground and the table that were shoved against the wall. I wondered when the last time was that this classroom was used.

Sebastian also seemed to be tired of reading. He closed his book and put it in his backpack. I was tired of not doing anything at all so I began cleaning the classroom.

I always hated cleaning, but there was something that I hated even more than that: doing nothing. I started by collecting all the papers that were lying on the ground. When my hands were full, I walked to the bin and dropped them.

I heard someone standing and cleaning the desk behind me. I turned to see what he was doing. Sebastian was currently grabbing all the pens and putting them in the pink pencil case that was lying on the desk.

There was no reason why we should be doing any of this, but we didn't stop even when we heard the bell signalling the end of the lesson that I was late too.

I wondered for the first time why Sebastian was actually here instead of being in class.

"Why weren't you in class?" I asked him. He was currently putting the book in the book cubit.

"I could ask you the same thing" I tolled my eyes but that was fair. Did I really want to explain my terrible morning while Sebastian probably just didn't feel like going to class.

I shrugged. Talking to him just was more effort than you got from him. Did I really want to waste my time and energy to meaningless conversation.

The door opened suddenly. Light spilled into the classroom. There in the doorway were Jim and Cassandra who looked shocked that there was someone here.

They looked from me to Sebastian.

"Wrong classroom, but were you stuck here or something?" Jim asked while looking around the classroom.

I nodded and then I headed out of the door. "Thanks" I told him. Jim responded but I didn't hear what he was saying. I was just grateful to not be stuck with a jerk in a classroom.

I looked over my shoulder and saw that Sebastian was also walking out of the classroom. Because of the darkness in the classroom, I didn't see the bruises on his arm.

I wondered how he got them.

Author's note: How do you think that Sebastian got the bruises? Do you think that Rachel is being judgemental? What were Jim and Cassandra doing in the classroom?

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