Chapter four

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The rest of the day was a blur. I could only think about Sebastian. I was also angry at myself for thinking so much about Sebastian. This shouldn't affect me so much.

Noah giving me a bad side eye the whole day was also not doing wonders for my mood.

Why does it seem like I have so much enemies now?

Me: Can you make it on time to see the movie?

I hit send. The text was directed to Brooke. I got tickets for the cinema. They are showcasing the concert from BTS, live from Seoul.

I asked one of my best friends, Brooke, to go to the concert with me.

Brooke: No sorry, I have a volleyball game.

Brooke and Lydia have played volleyball together for over 5 years. They are in the same volleyball team, but I guess they have an important match to play today.

I walked inside of the cinema to watch the movie.

While walking, I noticed that there are a lot of fangirls here today. I am more of a casual fan of BTS even though I recently bought those little polaroid's of the members.

I can't help it that Jimin is so dreamy. He is my bias if you couldn't tell already.

Brooke is the only BTS fan from our friend group, so its sucks that I have no one else to go with me.

I walked inside of the cinema and went to my seat. A lot of the girls had t-shirts with faces of the members on them. There were a lot of girls that came with their friends.

I felt kind of lonely seeing all of them together.

I guess I was just going to have to entertain myself till the movie started.

I walked to my seat and sat down. I was planning to do my usual routine when I didn't have friends around, but I also didn't want to seem lonely.

I grabbed my phone and pretended I was messaging my friends and having lots of fun, even though I really wasn't.

I felt the presence of someone sitting next to me.

I looked to my side and couldn't believe what I saw.

Noah was sitting there right beside me with a J-Hope shirt.

"Noah, what are you doing here?" I asked him while laughing a little. This isn't the scene where I thought people like Noah would go to.

"Oh, this is just great" he said while sinking a little in his chair.

I rolled my eyes at his dramatic act.

"I didn't know you were a BTS fan" I said to him.

"Nobody knows Waters, so how would you? It's not like we're friends or anything. You are just the girl that is stalking my best friend" he said while rolling his eyes at me.

He didn't even look at me. Its like he doesn't want to be associated with me in anyway.

"Geez harsh Noah. Besides I am definitely not stalking your best friend, I don't even like him" I said to him.

He looked at me with his eye brows raised. He scoffed.

"You keep telling yourself that" Noah says to me.

Why is he such a jerk?

"I really don't know what your deal is" I said to him while crossing my arms.

"Just leave Sebastian alone. Also don't mention this to anyone" he says.

"What if I do?" I ask Noah in curiosity.

Noah looks at me like he is about to commit bloody murder.

I held up my hands in surrender.

The concert started. The boys appeared on the screen. People started screaming and jumping from their seat ready to dance and sing as loud as they can.

Noah didn't look at me and decided that my existence wasn't necessary or important to him anymore.

The songs started playing and I danced and sang the whole night. It was so much fun, but something didn't seem quite right to me.

The sight of Jimin or any of the boys, didn't have the same effect on me like they did earlier.

It didn't make my heart flutter or made me feel like my limbs couldn't move.

It was more like a dull ache that couldn't be repaired.

After the concert, Noah and I went our separated ways. But it was more like him darted off before I could say anything to him.

I guess he just went back to ignoring me now.

I felt jitters through my stomach while I went home. I took a train home and my thoughts were all over the place.

I tried to walk upstairs quietly since my family was already sleeping.

I changed and then went to bed with my energy slowly fading.

I was slowly falling asleep, but the last thought I had was of Sebastian's blue greenish eyes.

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