Chapter thirteen

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I felt in trance while I was looking at Jimin. He was just so much hotter in real life. Pictures didn't do him any justice compared to him in front of me.

He smelled heavenly when he stepped forward.

I didn't stop him when he stepped towards me. I couldn't seem to drag my eyes away from him.

He put his hand on my cheek and then something happened that I didn't think would ever happen. I felt the softest touch of his lips on mine.

The kiss was hesitant like he was waiting for my response.

I didn't care that I was practically kissing a stranger since this was Jimin, but did I really want to continue kissing him?

Sebastian and Noah popped up from the back of my mind but I pushed them away. I didn't want them to ruing this epic moment for me.

I decided to ignore all my thoughts and I pressed my lips harder to Jimin's.

This was the moment he was waiting for since he pushed my body against the wall. His chest was now pressed against my breasts.

He put his hand on my lip and his other hair was combing through my wild curls. He was driving me crazy with his mouth.

I couldn't get enough of this feeling. His lips against my felt like a new kind of euphoria

Then I felt the barest tip of his tong against my lip. Oh my god, was I actually kissing Jimin with tongue?

The next thing I knew that his tongue was exploring my mouth.

His kiss tasted like honey with a hint of mint. He tasted so divine that I didn't think I could ever let him go.

He has such a earthy scent and he smelled delicious. I pulled him closer to me.

But then the door opened suddenly and there he was standing in the door way.

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw Sebastian staring at us with wide eyes.

What was he even doing here?

I didn't even know that he liked BTS.

Sebastian's cheeks were so red when he looked from Jimin to me and back.

"What are you doing here?" Jimin asked irritated. He didn't step away from me.

This was awkward, here I was standing still so close to Jimin while Sebastian's eyes still had that shocked expression.

Sebastian cleared his throat a couple of times before he could speak.

"Tom wanted to see you" Sebastian said while pointing behind him.

"Who's Tom?" I asked Jimin confused. I looked into his deep brown eyes which were clouded with regret.

"My manager. I should go to him and see what he wants" Jimin said while looking at me. It was like we couldn't look away from each other.

He kissed my forehead.

"I am sorry that I have to leave. I will see you soon and that's a promise" he said in his deep voice that caused shivers all over my body.

He walked out of the changing room. The door shut with a bang behind me.

Now it was just me and Sebastian.

I turned back to Sebastian demanding to get some answers from him.

"What are you doing? You interrupted something really important here" I said while rolling my eyes.

If it wasn't for Sebastian, me and Jimin might have gone further than just kissing.

"Didn't I tell you that I am a drummer?" he said to me in an exasperated voice.

Was Sebastian a drummer?

"Were you the one performing on stage with BTS?" I asked him with shock evident in my voice.

I can't believe that I didn't see Sebastian performing. I guess that I was just so focused on Jimin and Noah that I didn't see him.

I felt my cheeks redden with embarrassment.

"Yes, I was. Why were you kissing Jimin?" he asked me in an annoyed voice.

How dare he be annoyed with me right now?

"I cant believe you're saying that after everything that you have done" I said while pointing my finger into his chest.

The audacity of this man.

"What are you talking about?" he asked confused while raking his hand through his hair.

"I saw you kissing her" I accused him.

"Who?" he said.

"Cassandra" I yelled at him. Was every girl he kissed just a number to him?

I couldn't believe that I ever had feelings for him.

"You don't understand" he says with desperation.

"You're right. I don't understand you at all" I said while walking through the door. I made sure that the door slammed loudly on my way out.

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