Chapter nineteen

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I finally decided that I couldn't keep delaying the inevitable. I was going to have to contact Nev and Kamie from 'Catfish'.

I know that Jim had already sent an email, but I needed to do this for myself.

I grabbed my laptop from the table and headed upstairs. I set my laptop on the table and got to work. I didn't know how to begin writing this email so I decided to watch the first ten minutes of a couple of episodes from 'Catfish'.

I looked at the emails that the participants from the episodes had written and decided to write something similar.

From: Kayla Vadala
To: Nev Schulman

Title: I need to know the truth

Dear Nev and Kamie,

I never in a million years thought that I would ever be writing this email. After watching at least dozens of episodes from 'Catfish', you would have thought that I would have been able to see the red flags in a relationship.

Firstly, my name is Kayla Vadala and I currently live in Rivertown. I am 18 years old and I have been in an online relationship for six months.

It all started with a game that I started playing a couple of years ago. This guy, Adam Dunter, and me had hit it off. We started texting each other more frequently and also called each other on the phone. When there was no one else there for me, he was.

He is also the sweetest guy that I have ever met. He is very caring. There is no other guy that I have met that is similar to Adam. I just cant seem to get him out of my mind.

We started off as friends for one and a half year, but then I started catching feelings for him. First, I didn't know how to react to these feelings since I never had a crush before. After the realisation, I decided to tell Adam how I felt about him.

I couldn't believe my eyes when he felt the same way for me. We are now happily in a relationship for almost six months. This is a dream come true for me but there are some red flags that I can't ignore.

Adam has been very inconsistently with contacting me. There would be periods of time where we texted almost all day every day but then there would also be periods where he just ghosted me. Besides this, he also refuses to facetime with me.

He always makes excuses like that he has to work or that his camera is broken. I am not an idiot so I realised that something was wrong. A friend had encouraged me to write to the show.

We never talked about meeting each other since Adam lives in India. We both don't have the money to visit each other so meeting each other hasn't been on our minds. But lately I have been wanting to get to know the guy behind the phone and see if there are also sparks between us in real life.

Not knowing the truth about a guy that means so much to me is breaking my heart. I desperately need to know the truth about Adam.

I hope you guys can help me find the love of my life.

Thank you,


I have rewritten my email so many times that I am on the urge of throwing my laptop out of the window in desperation.

Before I would lose my sanity, I clicked the sent button and closed my laptop immediately. My house was so quiet all of a sudden.

I only heard the clicking of the clock and the pounding of my own heartbeat.

I started overthinking every little detail that I have written in that email. I told myself to stop thinking about it but the thoughts never go away.

I decided to go for a jog. I put on my jogging pants, an old t-shirt and I grabbed my headphones before heading out of the door.

Once I was outside my feat started moving. I have run this route so many times that I didn't have to think about it. My thoughts were elsewhere the entire run.

I cant stop thinking about how badly I want Adam to be the one he says. But the red flags are brighter than ever.

I ran across an industrial area where there were rocks on the road. I felt my feet stepping on one of the rocks and I slipped.

I fell on my ankle which was really painful.

The pain was excruciating and I had to take deep breaths in and out. Tears were streaming down my face.

I was sitting on the path and next to me was a patch of grass. The flowers were already growing beautifully since it was the beginning of spring.

I knew that there was no way that I would be able to walk on this ankle. I think it's broken.

I wanted to grab my phone to call an ambulance so I reached inside my back pocket. I couldn't reach it without hurting my ankle so I rolled on my side.

But then I looked straight into the eyes of a dead body.

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