Chapter twenty-five

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I walked down the stairs ready to get something to eat and drink. School was terrible today since Rachel was in all of my classes.

I didn't hate Rachel or anything, it just bothered me that she didn't like me. I tried to be nice to her but she would always shut down my efforts.

I wanted something sweet today. I always had a sweet tooth and today my cravings were loudly than usual.

I grabbed one of the chocolate muffins that my mother made yesterday. The chocolate muffin was fluffy and it had little pieces of white chocolate in it. The muffin was a vanilla topping and there were rainbow sprinkles sprinkled on top of the topping.

I took a big bite from the muffin and almost moaned from how good that muffin tasted. I threw my head back and shut my eyes to make the sensation even better.

I heard a loud bang of the front door being opened and closed. My mother walked into the room wearing her beige pantaloons and a white blouse. Her slick black hair was in a bun and she had sunglasses on top of her head. She was holding her brand new Prada bag that she bought last week.

She put her bag on the kitchen table and looked at me curiously.

"What have I told you about eating sweet food?" she told me with a scowl on my face. Her eyes moved from me to the muffin and back. I tried not to roll my eyes, that would only cause her to bother me even more.

"Mom, I won't be fat after just one muffin" I told her. I kept eating my muffin since my father didn't have to hear about her nonsense.

"You know, you're teenage body won't ever be this thin. If I were you, I would start eating healthier and maybe less" she told me.

I couldn't resist the urge to roll my eyes this time. The smile disappeared from my mothers face. She got this hard glint in her eyes.

"Those trousers are already looking a little bit tight on you. Maybe an apple is a more suitable choice for you" she told me. I didn't care what my mother thought of me, but my cheeks still burned with embarrassment because of her comments.

I looked down at my belly. The trousers did feel a little bit tighter this year, but I thought that was because my hips got wider this year. I was a growing teenager after all.

The doubts never left my mind. The whole evening I was thinking about that damn cupcake and I wished I chose to eat the apple instead.

Maybe my mother is right.

I tried to ignore the thoughts and feelings about my parents. With the investigation going on, they were more on the front of mind than I wished.

I turned my attention back to my conversation with Jim. He was wearing a t-shirt with black and white stripes. He had blue jeans on with blue converses. Jim was talking a million miles per hour and he was waving with his hands frantically.

"Sorry, what did you say?" I interrupted him mid-sentence. He stopped talking and looked at me with an annoyed expression. Jim was the only one who knew about the thoughts that have been troubling me these last few weeks.

He didn't know what the thoughts contained but he just knew that they were there. Not that I would burden another person with the words and deeds of my parents.

"I said what are we going to do about this anonymous note?" he told me while pointing at the paper in his hands. To say I was shocked when I read the note, was an understatement.

"We have to find the person who saw you and who is sending these notes" I told him with confidence that I didn't have. If this person could spy on Jim without knowing, how would they be able to find someone so sneaky and quiet?

This was a dead man's mission but I wasn't a failure. I could at least try to make sure that me and Jim don't end up in jail at eighteen years old.

"How are we going to do that?" Jim asked me curiously. Shit, I didn't think about this part.

"We are going to watch tapes from the security camera's that are placed in the school. Considering the amount of camera's, there must be one placed near our lockers" I told him. That actually sounded like a solid plan even to my own ears.

Jim nodded like this made a lot of sense. We discussed our plans for tomorrow. We are going to steal the tapes from the janitor who monitored them. Then we are going to watch the tapes and then we find out who this anonymous note sender is.

This is going to work.

I am going to be fine.

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