Chapter twenty-seven

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I was anxiously biting my nails waiting for them to call me on Zoom. I can't wait to hear about what they found out about Adam.

I grabbed my phone and scrolled through news articles for the next few minutes. My heart started beating faster and I became more anxious with every minute of time that passed, when Kamie and Nev didn't call.

What if they don't know anything about Adam yet? What if I never find out who he really is? What am I going to do?

I was about to stop waiting for a call, when someone called me from Zoom. This could only be Nev and Kamie. I can't believe that they actually have news about Adam.

I felt giddy with excitement and pressed the accept button. Nev and Kamie were sitting behind their laptops looking glamorous as ever while I looked like a homeless person that hasn't combed their hair in days.

"Hey guys" I said while waving. Nev and Kamie said their hello's while the camera crew was trying to find the right camera angle for filming them.

It was weird to see what had to happen behind the scene of my favourite reality TV show. You don't think about all the work, money and time that gets spend on just one episode for you to consume it in just one hour.

Nev started sharing his screen. "Okay, so this is what we found about Adam. We started with a photo search. We looked if there were matches if we copied Adam's photos in a google search engine" Nev explained to me.

Even though I had seen the show a thousand times before, it was still reassuring to see the process happening and explained right in front of your eyes.

"And we found a hit. The photo of Adam laughing with sunglasses on, had a hit. It was connected to this Facebook profile" Nev explained.

I squinted with my eyes to see the profile better, not that it helped. Nev zoomed into the profile.

"According to this profile, he lives in India and you can see photos of the village that he lives in" he said while scrolling through the photos.

It looks so different than here in Rivertown. The houses were packed together and there were more people living there in a close proximity. The roads weren't made of stones and the houses looked like they had been through a lot.

There was a lot more green and the nature was beautiful compared to Rivertown. That was something that I didn't like about my hometown, there wasn't much green left here.

Adam didn't talk much about his home life and this was the first time that I see where he lives. It looks like a place from another world.

He lives such a different life than me and I forget that sometimes.

"It looks like he lives in a tiny village in India. We can't tell the exact name since there are a lot of villages that look exactly like that" Nev told me.

I wanted to look more in-depth about Adam's life but Nev clicked on another web page that he wanted to show me.

"After that, we searched for the phone number in a search engine. It might be able to tell you who this phone belongs to, what age they are and where they live" Nev said.

He showed me another page with the results that came from searching for Adam's phone number.

"The phone is connected to a man called Adam Dunter and he is twenty four years old. This is a good sign since this is the same information that you have from him" Nev said.

It was disappointing to see that we still don't know where Adam lives. Otherwhise we could have just showed up at his doorstep.

"There is only one thing that we can do at this point and that is to call him directly and ask him to meet us" Nev said while picking up his phone.

I knew that this part was coming, but I was still scared.

I nodded to Nev and he was dialling Adam's number into his phone. He looked at me for reassurance and then he clicked the call button.

The phone rang but no one picked up. Well, that was disappointing.

"I am going to send him a text right now" Nev said and he started typing. I am glad that I was not the person who was saying all of this. I probably would have been overthinking every word that I would have typed.

To: Adam Dunter
From: Nev Schulman

Hey Adam,

We are currently filming an episode that is involved with your girlfriend, Kayla. We're hoping to arrange that you guys can finally meet. This is your only chance, so you better take it. I hope to hear back from you withing 48 hours and otherwhise Kayla will never seek contact with you again. Please text or call me back when you have decided what you wanted to do.


I guess that it was all happening right now and there was nothing that I would be able to do about it now.

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