Chapter twenty-eight

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"Are you sure that this plan is going to work?" I asked Cassandra suspiciously. I trusted Cassandra, but her ideas weren't the best.

Cassandra fluffed her blonde hair and was combing it with her hands. She eventually put her hair in a ponytail for the supposedly 'secret mission'.

"Yes, don't you trust me?" she asked me. I nodded my head even though this plan was not going to work. I had this gut feeling and my father always told me that your gut tells you the truth.

Cassandra and me were wearing black clothes. I put on a black jumper, black trousers and black shows. I unfortunately didn't have a cool black beanie like Cassandra was wearing right now.

"Are you ready to this?" I asked Cassandra and she nodded. We stepped out of her black Mercedes car.

It was a dark night and the start were bright in the sky. I looked at the empty parking lot and I had a feeling that someone was watching us.

I shrugged because this was probably all in my head. I ignored the little voice of doubt that felt eyes on me.

The school was completely dark which was understandable since it was the middle of the night. I would be more concerned if there was someone at school right now.

We walked to the entrance, because we didn't have to care about camera's catching us. I am in the school board and there are camera's hanging on the outside of the school that don't actually work.

The camera's you should be worried about are the camera's in the school. Those are the ones that actually work in the dark.

Harvard was never going to accept me if they found out that I was breaking into schools. That was just extra motivation not to get caught doing this.

I had a key from the school board if I ever had to go to school after hours. That was the only key I had. We still didn't have a plan to get into the janitor's office.

I opened the door and made sure that the door didn't creak when we opened it. We stepped into the school and the silence was making me anxious.

I made sure to always listen to music because I hated silence. Especially, in a creepy, deserted and dark school where they made my life a living hell.

I had a map that showed where all of the camera's where.

"You need to make sure that they just can't see your face on the camera. Then we will be fine" Cassandra said in a steady voice.

We walked with our faces turned towards the walls of the school. I have never looked that closely at the wall. The walls looked pretty bad because of the many cracks in the wall and a bad paint job.

I was surprised that this school hasn't just fallen apart over the many years.

"Here it is" I whispered in Cassandra's ear. She nodded her head and we both dove towards the office door. It was closed.

"Shit" I mumbled under my breath. I hoped that the janitor was a lazy sleaze and that he thought closing the office door would be too much work.

I had a pin with me but I was not experienced with breaking into rooms. I gave Cassandra the pin that I brought with me and she put the pin in the lock and moved around a bit. We were standing there for five minutes or so, praying that Cassandra would be able to open the door.

Eventually, Cassandra pulled the pin out of the lock and signed loudly.

"This isn't going to work" she said while dropping the pin in my hands. She put her hands on her head like she was thinking of other ways to do this.

"What are you waiting for? You better get started with that lock if you don't want to stand here the whole night" she said to me while pointing at the lock.

That was just hilarious. Cassandra actually thought that I would be able to open the door if she couldn't. She was the sneaky one while I was the nerdy one.

But there was not like we had another choice. I might as well give it a shot since we had nothing to lose anyway. I dropped on my knees and put the pin into the lock. I moved around a bit not really knowing what I was doing.

In the movies this looked so much easier. I wiggled it around for a few times. Cassandra was standing behind me, picking at her nails since she couldn't do anything right now.

After what felt like an eternity but was probably just a little bit over ten minutes, the lock made a sound. Cassandra and me jumped from the unexpectant sound.

We looked at each other and I hesitantly pushed the door open. The door creaked but at least it was open.

The office was very neat so I guess the janitor really wasn't the lazy old man that I pictured him to be. His desk was sitting there, just waiting to be touched.

Cassandra stepped towards the desk and was starting the laptop. I didn't bother closing the door since we were the only ones in the school.

I didn't turn on the light in case one of the hidden camera's would see our faces.

"Shit, we need a password to see the files that are on the computer" she said while pointing to the screen that was asking for a password.

"Just try something" I said while shrugging. Cassandra rolled her eyes at me dramatically, but she did start typing random numbers. I know the chance was very small, but luck brought us this far didn't it. We were not going to give up so close to the end goal.

"Did you try 1234?" I asked Cassandra.

"Do you really think that someone who closes their office before leaving and has an office that is so clean, would use such a simple password" she said to me while still trying out different passwords.

"There is no harm trying, right?" I responded. Cassandra seemed to agree since she typed '1234' and then clicked enter.

The laptop brought us to the home page. I smiled but I almost couldn't believe my luck. There was a voice in the back of my mind that was telling me that the plan was not going to work, something was going to go wrong.

I heard Cassandra mumble something that sounded a lot like "unbelievable". She went to the files that the janitor had of the camera's.

She searched for the one that was filming yesterday. There were several camera's throughout the school so she had to close and open a couple of different files.

Eventually she found the right one. We had discussed that the psycho would have gone to school before the rest of us arrived. Shoving something into someone's locker was not a great idea if there were people leaning against your locker during the breaks.

Cassandra clicked a few times and then the camera was showing what happened near the lockers at around seven o'clock in the morning.

We listened closely to the footage and eventually we heard footsteps heading towards the lockers. We looked at each other knowing that this was the moment that we were waiting for.

There was an intruder walking through the school who was fully clothed in black. We couldn't see his face since he was walking with his back towards us. We would be able to see who it was when he walked away from the locker.

We waited for a minute or so when he started walking back from the lockers to the hallway. We should be able to see his face clearly now.

But the intruder was walking with a piece of paper covering his face. There was something written on the paper.

"BETTER LUCK NEXT TIME" was written on the paper with a red marker in capital letters. I tried not to but I started trembling a little bit.

The person that was stalking us was clearly more prepared than us. Cassandra and me didn't say anything for a full minute. We were both shell shocked with this unexpected turn of events.

We didn't stop staring at the screen till we heard a sound. We saw a flash of light and we heard the sound of someone taking a picture.

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