Chapter eighteen

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The bell rung but I wasn't ready to leave the classroom yet.

I just did stuff in my bag slower than usual.

Mr. T was such an attractive man. He had a broad chest and his arms looked like amazing. His hair was beach blond and he had these deep blue eyes.

His tan wasn't the colour it was supposed to be but that just added depth to his character.

I walked to Mr. T hoping to get my shot.

"Hi, it's so nice to meet you. My name is Cassandra" I said while holding out my hand.

Mr. T shook my hand. His skin felt wrinkly against my hand. Was it weird that it kind of turned me on?

Mr. T still looked good despite his age. I made sure to look from his toes to his head and back down. I always got what I wanted.

What I want now is Mr. T to get dirty with me.

I couldn't do that now since I always make boys work for me. I am not some free sample they can use and then throw away at home.

No, I am the main prize at the lottery.

"It's so nice to meet you Cassandra" Mr. T said. He smiled with his perfect white teeth.

I didn't miss the way that Mr. T looked at my décolleté while talking to me.

I smiled to myself.

"It's great to have such a handsome teacher at this school" I told him. I placed my hand against his bicep. Oh my god, he felt so hard.

"It's great to have such gorgeous students at this school" Mr. T said while he placed one of his big hands on my hips.

I wish that his hand would go a little lower but that's for another time.

"You know, I am very bad at maths" I told him while rubbing my hand on his arm.

That was a lie, maths is my best subject.

"That is no problem. I could tutor you after school today" Mr. T said to me while his gaze wandered over my body.

"That would be such a great help" I said to Mr. T.

I made sure to arch my body against his chest.

I leaned forward until my lips were pressed against his ears.

"I can't wait to see you later today" I told him in a seductive voice.

I walked out of the classroom without looking back at Mr. T.

I felt his gaze burn into my backside while I was walking away.

I smirked to myself.

Normally, I would let a boy work harder for me but there was something about Mr. T that was just so attractive to me.

Brooke was sitting with Rachel at one of the tables in the hallway doing homework.

They saw that I walked out of the classroom ten minutes later than I was actually supposed to.

Brooke looked disgusted but Rachel looked weirdly intrigued.

I made sure to not look at them as I walked past their table.

They didn't deserve my attention/

I pulled out my phone from my back pocket. I went to my contacts and I clicked on the call button to call my best friend.

"Cassandra, what do you want?" Jim asked with an exasperated voice.

I don't normally make friends but Jim was an exception. He was such a genuine and funny guy to be around.

Girls are also just too much drama.

"Did you handle 'it'?" I asked him.

It was his job to get rid of the bodies from my parents.

My parents were workaholics who also did drugs on the side. Nobody would miss them. They didn't have any friends or co-workers that cared about them.

It was no surprise that nobody has noticed their absence these last few days.

"Yes you don't have to worry about anyone finding them" Jim said with confidence in his voice.

"So....., I was wondering if you wanted to come to the game hall with me after school?" Jim asked me in a hopeful voice.

I felt like one of the boys now.

"No, sorry but I can't. We can go another time" I told him in an excited voice.

Jim agreed and I hung up the phone.

Everything was going perfect in my life right now.

I am flirting with an attractive teacher, my parents were never being found and I have a friend.

I felt happy with my life for once.

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