Chapter seventeen

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I looked across the math room at Jimin sitting next to Brooke.

They are bonding in a way that I didn't expect. They were currently talking about our new math project.

I looked at Jimin's curly hair. He looked so magnificent in this lighting.

I was so gone for this guy that I just met a few days ago.

I don't actually know that much about him.

Sebastian walked in to the classroom and he sat next to Cassandra.

Cassandra came in later since she had an appointment with Jim. I didn't know that they were friends. I didn't even know that Cassandra had friends.

Cassandra was one of those loners in this school that no one bothered with.

She was just not like other girls.

But that kind of makes sense right? I think everyone is special in their own way.

I sat looked next to me at Jimin and Brooke and decided to start a conversation with him but then I suddenly heard a loud bang.

We all turned our head around. The bang was from the door of the classroom banging against the cabinet. There was this old looking man walking into the classroom.

The man was around the sixty years old with beach blond hair. He had this really unnatural looking tan that wasn't attractive on him.

He was also wearing this white blouse with blue jeans.

"Hello y'all. I am Mr. T your new math teacher. We are going to just have the best time" he said while smiling. Those teeth were so white they almost blinded you. There is no way that they are real.

I looked around the classroom. Brooke was looking disgusted at Mr. T.

Cassandra on the other hand was looking from Mr. T's head to his toes. She had this slow smile on her face and she was batting with her eyelashes.

Oh my god, was she checking him out?

The thought made me sick to my stomach.

I looked around the classroom but no one else seemed to notice Cassandra's weird fascination with Mr. T.

Mr. T was explaining something related to algebra but I wasn't listening. I didn't care that I probably wouldn't understand anything from my textbook later.

I doubt that I would have known what they were talking about even if I was listening to the explanation from Mr. T.

"He's something else isn't he?" Jimin whispered in my ear.

His warm breath was hitting my ear shell making my body tingle.

I nodded and Jimin leaned back into his chair with his hands on either side of his head.

The bell rung, signalling the end of the lesson. I jumped out of my seat. In the corner of my eye, I saw Cassandra lingering while putting stuff in her bag.

Maybe she's hoping to get some alone time with Mr. T?

I didn't even want to think about that possibility. I ran out of the classroom and I bumped into Sebastian on my way out.

"Oh, hey Sebastian" I said to him but he just looked away from me.

"So, now you want to talk to me?" Sebastian said. His voice was trembling a little bit and if I looked closely I could see that he was shaking a little bit.

"What are you talking about?" I said but I knew what Sebastian was talking about.

Everybody was talking about him at the moment.

"You know who I am talking about" he said to me. The green in his eyes seemed duller than the vibrant green that I have looked at these last few weeks.

He shoved one of his hands through his red auburn hair.

I looked away from him since this was a conversation that I was hoping to avoid.

"You could have just told me if you weren't interested" Sebastian whispered. He wasn't looking at me anymore but he was studying his hands.

He was trying to avoid looking at me.

This knowledge stinged and my heart felt painful in my chest.

"You leading me on is the last thing that I need right now" Sebastian said with a sadness in his voice that I didn't expect.

I didn't know that he liked me this much.

"This isn't exactly easy for me you know. I cant make a decision if I want you or Jimin right now" I told him.

Sebastian looked at me shocked. His green eyes were looking a little glassy and his cheeks were a flaring red like his hair.

"All these boys who want you? Yes, that must be very hard indeed" he said while rolling his eyes.

He wasn't taking my situation very seriously. He didn't know how hard this decision is. He also didn't know how my feelings are all over the place these last few days.

"You know what's hard?" Sebastian said. He was laughing but it wasn't a real life. This laugh was harsh and painful to hear.

"Pining over a girl that has despised you for the last few years. Then when you finally think you had a chance with her, she was actually just leading you on these last few weeks."

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