Chapter five

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"Oh my god, did you hear?" Brooke came to me with this huge smile on her face. This could only mean one of two things: She just bought a new book or she had a juicy piece of gossip.

Guessing by her bouncy attitude and her suspicious looking around if others were listening, it's safe to say that she has new gossip.

Brooke always got gossip by other people telling her or just listening to other people's conversations when they thought she wasn't listening.

It was mostly the popular crowd who had no idea that there was always someone listening to them sharing their secrets.

You can't blame them though, Brooke is really good at spying.

She always knows everything about everyone.

"Sebastian and Alina were fighting in the cafeteria this morning" she told me excited.

I didn't know why Brooke would think that I care about anything regarding Sebastian.

Regardless, I couldn't ignore this juicy piece of gossip.

"Oh really, what about?" I asked her trying not to sound too invested.

"Something about Sebastian not giving Alina enough attention" she told me.

I rolled my eyes. What did Alina expect? People like Sebastian didn't care about anyone else except saving their own ass.

"Has he ever given anyone attention?" I said while trying not to sound bitter. I had this funny feeling in my chest that I definitely didn't want to pay attention too.

Brooke gave me a side eye and looked at the ground.

"What?" I said to her.

"So, we're still doing this then" she said while sounding disappointed. What did she mean with that statement?

"What are you talking about?" I asked her while rubbing my eyes. I didn't get much sleep after the concert last night. I wouldn't do anything different though.

"You pretending you're not into Sebastian" she said to me.

I looked at her with a crazy expression. I narrowed my eyes and scoffed.

"I don't have to pretend" I said to Brooke with a tired and angry voice.

"I am not interested in Sebastian in any way. He is the biggest jerk I have ever encountered in my life. He doesn't care for anyone expect himself" I said. I felt a pang in my chest while saying all of this.

Nothing that I said is true, but I am not ready to admit that to myself.

Brooke looked at me while shaking her head.

She tried to whisper, but she ended up saying it in a loud voice.

"He is behind you" she said to me while pointing behind me.

I turned around and there was Sebastian.

He wore a vintage sweater with brown jeans. He had white sneakers with blue stripes and his hair was styled with gel.

Just the mere sight of him was the cause of the butterflies fluttering around in my stomach.

Did he just hear all the terrible things I said about him?

"Wow, I can't believe this. You haven't changed one bit. I shouldn't have listened to Noah" he said while shaking his head furiously.

He stalked away and if the tight grip of his hands on his books was anything to go by, then he was definitely very angry at me right now.

"That was harsh" Brooke said in a low voice behind me.

I felt a pang of guilt and my cheeks were flaming. I didn't mean anything I said.

I groaned and put my hands over my eyes.

"Hey, it's okay. He will forget about this in no time" Brooke told me. She didn't sounds very convincing and her face was clouded by doubt.

I shook my head and just whished the ground would swallow me.

He didn't forget about it.

It was not surprising since this was the second time that I bad mouthed him in public.

I decided to write him a note.


I know you don't like me very much, but I didn't mean anything that I said to you. The truth is that I kind of like you.

Try not to kill me when you find this note.

Kind regards,


I decided against using Love at the end, since that would probably make him even more uncomfortable.

I shoved the note in his locker and hoped for the best.

In math class, Sebastian didn't even glance my way. It was kind of weird considering my confession and all but maybe he was so disgusted that he didn't even want to pay any kind of attention to me.

I put my books inside of my locker, while regretting my whole life when I heard someone walking to me in a fast pace.

The foot steps sounded angry and demanding behind me.

"Waters, what the fuck is this?" Noah said while he was holding the note in his hand.

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