Chapter fourteen

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I couldn't have been more exited when Jim called saying that he had found some news about Adam.

I know I shouldn't trust strangers on the internet but I just couldn't help myself.

Adam is just such a genuine and funny guy.

I am glad that Jim is helping me finding out the truth. It would have been so much harder to do this on my own.

I searched the name Adam Dunter more times than I can count. I just can't seem to find any information about "Adam".

I really hope that he isn't lying to me.

I would feel like a fool.

I walked into room 101 hoping that Jim had some good news for me. I felt so nervous even though there really isn't a reason to be nervous right now.

The door opened and Jim was standing in the door way. He was wearing a pair of kaki pants and a blouse with a flower pattern. He wears these white shoes with red stripes on them.

"Come on in" he said while opening the door wider. I stepped inside and the room smelled a little like lemon.

I sat down on one of the comfortable chairs that were in the middle of the classroom. Jim walked to the desk and was searching through his bag looking for something.

Then he pulled this brown little book from the bag. I guess that was his notebook containing information about all of his clients.

He searched for the page containing my information and then he finally locked eyes with me.

"I am sorry to say but I couldn't find any other social media account with the name Adam Dunter" he said to me. His hazel eyes looked sad and disappointed.

I was beginning to feel a little deflated. What was I thinking? There was no way that I was going to discover the truth about everything that is happening.

"Oh" I said disappointed.

"I do have something to confess" Jim said. He didn't look into my eyes and his hands were fumbling with his blouse.

It seems like Jim is nervous about what he was going to say.

"What did you do?" I said looking annoyed. This wasn't the first time that Jim had tried to help someone and it backfired.

His intentions were genuine but the execution wasn't always that great.

"I might have send an e-mail to a TV show" he told me with soft voice.

I looked at him questionably. What was Jim talking about?

"I might have contacted Nev and Max from the TV show 'Catfish'" he told me.

My mouth dropped open. I couldn't believe my ears. He wasn't serious right now.

"Why would you do that without asking me?" I asked him in disbelief. I didn't get angry quick but Jim was really annoying me right now.

I couldn't believe the nerve of this guy.

"I didn't mean anything bad to happen. I just wanted to help you" he said while he threw his hands in the air.

I rolled my eyes and I crossed my arms. I sighed loudly.

This was a shitty situation but I guess that I was going to have to make the most of this.

I did really want to discover the truth about Adam.

I opened my mouth to start talking again but then the door slammed against the wall. Someone had thrown open the door in such a hurry that they stumbled inside.

I squinted my eyes and Rachel was standing in the doorway.

"Sorry Kayla, but I really need to talk to Jim right now" Rachel said out of breath.

I didn't know that Rachel and Jim actually also had sessions together. I guess that there are more people talking to Jim then she previously thought.

"I am in the middle of a session" Jim said while rolling his eyes.

"Yes, but this is really important" Rachel said while combing a hand through her wild curls.

I really didn't like the fact that Rachel has just barged into my session and is demanding to talk to Jim.

"But it's my session. You should have made an appointment if you wanted to talk to Jim" I said while shrugging.

I didn't want to be mean against Rachel but this is really important information that I need to digest with Jim.

"But something major has happened" Rachel said trying to not sound irritated.

"What happened?" Jim asked. There was an excited and intrigued glint in his eyes. I guess that Jim could not say no against some news in this tiny little town.

"Jimin from BTS is in my maths class. Apparently he has transferred to school here" Rachel said.

For the second time today my mouth dropped open.

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