Chapter 3: Feelings (Part 3)

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He looked at them and mouthed something, so they backed up before he asked, "Iris-ya... Why're you forcing a smile?" I looked at him then in front, "... If I stop smiling... I'll cry... Law... Did you know that Zoro's pledging to Ace?... Means I'll be pledged by a Baron... Ace is the Prince, so... It makes sense for him to have an Earl and a Viscount..."

I mumbled as the wind blew, "I'll be fine by myself..." Law took my hand, "Iris-ya..." I looked back at him as he whispered, "I'll become the best healer, so... You must become the best combat mage..." He leaned down and leaned against my forehead, "Then you and I will be the saviors and we can travel the world together..."

He leaned back and smiled, "... Do you want to travel the world with me, Iris-ya?" I giggled and nodded, "Yeah! That would be fun!" He kissed my hand, "It's a promise." I looked away and started walking, so he held my hand and walked next to me. "... Your birthday is in six months..." I held his hand tighter, "... Your birthday is in two weeks... I marked it... I'm making you something special, well... I hope... You like it." He stroked my hand, "I know that I'll love it..." I smiled at him as we arrived. I plop down next to the waterbed, so he did as well.

I laid down and looked at the sky through the treeline. "Law... I heard you..." He flinched as I whispered, "You're leaving after my birthday..." He sat up and looked down at me, "... There's something that I h-" I smiled softly at him, "Law... Don't forget me during those six years, o-" I burned a bright red as he hugged me and whispered shaky, "Don't ever think that Iris-ya... I'll never... Ever! Forget you. Got it?" I hugged him back, "... Promise?" He looked to see my pinky, so he huffed and hooked it, "I promise." I smiled and nodded, "Good!~"

I got up and stretched before running to Zoro. He cocked a brow, but chuckled as I patted his shoulder, "Tag! You're it!" He ran after me, so I giggled and ran to Law. I slid behind him as he was touched by Zoro. He shivered and ran as I did too. Law glared and ran after me, "Get back here!" I yelped and laughed as I kept dodging Law and Zoro. I jumped up and swung myself onto a tree branch then a few higher.

I sat there with my legs dangling as they watched from below, "Iris-ya! Come down! It's dangerous up there!" I looked to the side thinking before grinning. "Watch this!" They grew confused, but paled as I jumped off and away from the tree. "Iris-ya/Iri!" I twirled in the air before applying a coating of mana to make a platform to break my fall. I still landed a little hard and slipped backwards, but Law and Zoro caught me.

I giggled, "Wasn't that coo-" Law held me closer and shook as Zoro looked at me terrified. "Iris! Do you even know how far you jumped?! You went twenty feet up into the tree! Y-you can't just jump that!" I looked down, "I-I'm sorry Zoro..." Law whispered shakily, "Promise... Not to do that again..." I nuzzled his head, "I promise I won't climb up a tree and jump off of it." Law wrapped himself around me as Zoro stroked my hair, "Iri... Please be more mindful..."

I sniffled, "... My ankle hurts..." Law looked down to see that I sprained it. He leaned over immediately and began healing it. After a moment the pain was gone, but he began scanning my body for more injuries. He froze as he saw my hands, "... How're your hands, so soft when they're that injured?..." I held them up for closer examination. They were full of calluses and bruises from holding the sword.

I looked to the side as I applied mana to surround my hand. It showed it normally and felt soft, then stopped it. His eyebrows knit as they felt rough. He sighed shakily as he held and began healing it. "Iris-ya... Start using the mana as a barrier between the sword and your hands, ok?..." I nodded softly as Zoro laid his head on my shoulder. Law glared, but hid behind his hat as he continued healing my hands. After a moment, he pulled away, so I looked at my hands and giggled. "You're so good at this Law!~" 

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