Chapter 8: Adventurer (Part 4)

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The first week went by a little fast. Getting to know them and fighting with them... I never knew how fun it was traveling with people. Mikeal and I got along quite well and he was an amazing support. I ended up relying on him whenever I ran in without a plan. Mikeal ended up treating me whenever Gengi couldn't because I told him only when absolutely necessary because he needed as much mana as possible for the frontier and healing takes quite a bit. He would absorb the mana from the defeated monsters while I collected the monster cores. There's only a week left until we reach the town at their location and I'll be heading off with Gengi.

I groaned playfully as I plop onto the ground. Mikeal sighed as he kneeled next to me, "Iris, you need to be more careful. You already used up the healing from your charms and only have a barrier left. You have emergency aid from your earrings and a barrier a day from your necklace, but your healing is used up. You said they were children, so it wasn't really rechargeable healing except the barriers and the one's made by your fiance."

I giggled, "That's why I have you and Gengi! I can trust you guys!" He huffed and pinched my cheek, "Brat." I glared, "Owie! Stop it!" I slapped his hand away and held my cheek, "You're the brat, not me!" He laughed softly and ruffled my hair, so I puffed my cheek, "Stop teasing and heal me Mikeal!" He huffed and began healing me again, "I should start charging a fee..." I shrugged, "I can heal tiny cuts, but not gashes and deep wounds."

He glared, "You seriously need to show some restraint and think some more." I puffed my cheek and looked away, "Yes sir..." He chuckled and helped me up before using his mana to repair my torn clothes. I looked at him then down as we watched Hilton and Clara skinned and butchered our dinner. "So, there's a week left until we hit the town..." He glanced at me then down, "Yeah... You said it's training before going to the academy, right?... Is there a way for a commoner to get it?" I nodded and giggled, "Be extremely talented and pass their exam. You still need three platinum though... Instead of fifty platinum."

He kicked his feet, "Do you think I'll make it?" I hummed softly, "Well, I think so. You will never be the best, but... You'll definitely make it." He glared, "Why not?" I giggled, "Because Law's the best and the one who will travel the world with me!" He huffed and leaned back, "... You and your obsession with your fiance..." I giggled, "I love him!" He looked at me, "... Let me go to the frontier with you and to the academy... I want to meet him." I looked at him then down, "... That's your choice, but I'm there to train and get stronger not to play. I know it might seem like it, but Mikeal I want to be the strongest so I can be the free-est..."

He poked my cheek, "I know, so let's be the best there and prove to the world that even kids are strong... I'll make you the strongest by being your support. I'll keep you alive and fighting for as long as you want... I might not end up the strongest, but... Iris, I want to... Make a pact with you... It's been more fun being with you than anything... Become my blood sister. It might seem like it's been too short, but I want t-" I hugged him, "Sure! I'll be your blood sister!"

He patted my arm, "Good... Let's do it now?" I nodded and faced him. I took a knife from my ring as he grabbed a parchment and a flask of holy water. He began chanting as he sprinkled the holy water on the parchment. "As the mighty God as my witness I, Andersan Lee Mikeal, son of Andersan Martial and Anderson Caylin. wish to bond with Iris as her blood brother and stay connected to her through thick and thin." He took the knife and slit his finger and got all his tips bloody before putting it on the paper and keeping it there as he handed me the knife.

I gripped the handle, "Mikeal... Even if you don't know who I am... You still want to be my brother?" He nodded, "I like you Iris and I want to be your brother. I want you as my sister because you are reliable." I slit my fingers, "I... Lyda D Iris, daughter of Gol D. Roger and Portgas D Rouge, wish to become a blood sister of Mikeal and stay connected with him through thick and thin." I then put my fingers interlaced with his and onto the paper as a magic circle appeared around our hands. We interlocked our hands and the paper burned as the ashes attached to our wrists and formed a small moon crescent symbol.

Without You, The Beginning of Magic {Magical AU}Where stories live. Discover now