Chapter 16: Shattering (Part 4)

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I felt a small flick, so I held it and looked at Kytrose, "He asked if you're ok. Iris, don't forget we're your friends and here for you. No matter where in the world you might be, if you need help we'll help you." I smiled, "... Thanks Ky..." I felt Lial's pat on my shoulder, "Well, how about it? I'll be leaving in two days to escort Minori home. Kytrose and Mikeal will be heading off the day after. Fiara and Sylvar will be heading out tomorrow." I looked down, "... I see..."

I smiled and nodded, "Yeah, I'll be ok. I can still talk to you and we'll see each other at most in five years. Minori and Mikeal will be at the academy in three months and I have Nami, Nojiko, and my family right now... It might be fake here, but... It's not bad since I can spend time with everyone that's able to be here..."

I looked at Mikeal, "You learned how to dance, right?" He nodded, but huffed at my smile, "... Let's all dance before the night's over." He got up, "Fine..." He offered his hand, "Let's go..." I took it and giggled as I set Gengi in Nami's lap. "You need more refining." He held my hip and hand as the music changed, "My dear princess. Let me have this dance." I giggled as we began dancing, surprisingly gracefully, "Color me surprised. You can actually dance."

He huffed and twirled me, "Yes. Yes. Princess." I smiled and stepped on his foot, "Oh dear I seemed to have made a mistake." He glared, then huffed at my giggle before huffing and making it seem like it was a part of the dance, "You're lucky you're my sister." I smiled softly, "... I was reserving my first social dance for Law you know... I wanted Law as my first, but... You're my family... You're someone who won't abandon or betray me... That's why I wanted to dance with you. Minori and the others are my friends and I care for them deeply, but Mikeal... You, Law, and Gengi... I can't live without you three..."

I giggle, "Make sure you bring Marry when you come to the academy, so you can meet my fiance and I can meet yours." I puffed my cheek, "I best be your best woman at your wedding." I jerked as the song was changing and he was leading me off the dance floor. He led me to a terrace and leaned on the railing, "... I never told you why I became an adventurer. Not the entire reason... I wanted to get stronger for Marry, but... There's another reason..." He looked down, "... I have a little sister who's sick. He's taking care of her in my place while I save up enough money to get her treated..."

I felt my heart drop as I gripped my chest, "... Why'd you never tell me?" He closed his eyes and sighed, "... I saw you as my little sister... Not her, but another one. One that I could protect and save." Gengi appeared on my shoulder. Iris! Are you ok?! I gently set him down, "... Go back to them please Gengi... Please." He was silent before turning into his human form, "... I'll be inside, but I'm staying where I can see you." I nodded softly as he walked off.

Mikeal sighed and took my hand, "Iri, I j-" He froze as I pulled away and shook, "... I'll give Kytrose enough money to help you and your sister as well as enough for your wedding..." I turned as a tear fell, "... Go tell them I'm going back home ahead of you guys with Gengi..." He grabbed my hand, "Iri, you're my sister! I love you! You've been there for me more times than anyone. I don't want you to misunderstand. You're just as precious to me as they are." I rubbed his hand, but didn't look at him, "... You're my blood brother. Nothing can change that... I'm tired..." I pulled away, "... I'll talk to you tomorrow."

I walked out into the hall and grabbed Gengi's hand as he then led me down the halls. I didn't stop when I saw Lial and them, but I saw them freeze as I glanced at them, nodded, then left quietly with Gengi. Once outside Gengi transformed his large form and began taking us home on the night-lit road. I just laid on Gengi until he asked. What happened? I nuzzled him, "... I don't want to talk about it... I want... To rest... Sylvar and Fiara are leaving tomorrow and I want to spend a little time with them before they leave."

He nodded and hopped a little smoother. I looked down at my wrist as I got a call from Lial. I sighed shakily before inserting my mana and connected our crystals, "Lial-san?" He asked, "Are you on your way home?" I sighed, "... I'm on my way to the house. I have a lot to prepare for." I jerked as he asked, "Does it have to do with that look and Mikeal's heart shattered expression?" I closed my eyes, "... It's a lot of reasons, but... It does include that, yes..." I motioned for Gengi to stop as Lial sighed softly, "... Apparently, we're all leaving in the morning." I looked up, "... I see... I'll... See you guys when you leave then..."

He was silent before asking, "You know that we all love you right?" I closed my eyes and motioned for Gengi to continue, "... Yeah. I love you too. I'll talk to you later then." He sighed shakily, "... Be safe and sweet dreams. We'll be back around thirty minutes after you." I nodded, "... Ok, sweet dreams." I then hung up and hugged Gengi.

It was silent on the way back because it was about nine. I just laid there looking up at the night sky obstructed by mana lanterns lighting the streets as Gengi walked. "... Everyone's leaving again... Hey Gengi... After reuniting with Ace, Law, Sabo, and Zoro... I'll have to leave them again too... I suppose so since it'll be Law and I traveling the world together... What if Law wants the others to go or changes his mind and doesn't want to travel... What if he wants to stay in the country because he hasn't been here in so long? That's only if he still wants me, much less remembers me... No he might remember because Ace and them... So, it's just a matter of fact if he still loves me."

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