Chapter 6: Endings (Part 2)

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I flushed a bright red as he leaned in and gave me a soft kiss on my cheek. "I have something for you..." He held out his ring and a small box came out. He held it to his chest. "... On your fifteenth birthday... Your debut... The box will open and your present will come out..." He pulled out five other boxes. "Each one is a birthday present for the years you won't see me..." He grabbed one last one and motioned for my hand. He slipped on a bracelet that adjusted to me.

It had one golden, then multiple yellow and orange beads. "They're all regular mana crystals except the golden one... It also has a recorded message... It'll play directly in your mind... I wish they developed telepathy magic or mana crystals that could be used over that distance... That way I could hear your actual voice." I tear up and lean on his shoulder, "... Thank you Law..." He rubbed my back. "... What do you want to do for now?" I nuzzled his neck, "... I want you to open the locket first..."

He did as requested and teared up as he listened. He pulled me closer, "I love you. It's ok that you're not entirely sure... I'll show you and be with you when we see each other again... I'll always wait for you." I sniffled and leaned against his shoulder, so he leaned his head on mine as we just held each other's hand, "Law... Why can't you send letters?" He stroked my hand, "The place I'm going... I'll be on the move a lot... I'm going to the neighboring kingdom and helping them with some things... I told the king I wanted to study and they needed help, so this was the conclusion..."

I sigh softly and nuzzle his shoulder, "I see..." He held my hand tighter and we stayed that way for the next forty minutes, just talking about things and enjoying each other's company. I leaned back and kissed his forehead, so he did the same as they came in. I whispered to him, "If I get up now... I won't be able to stop, so..." He adjusted the boxes, "They'll open and play a message around nine on your birthday each year... They repeat if you apply your mana, so..."

I hugged him tightly, "... See you Law..." He rubbed my back and kissed my forehead, "See you Iris-ya..." He whispered as he pulled away, "I love you..." I grip the couch and cry softly as he leaves. I bent down and cried as Makino came in and stroked my back and let me relax against her. I cried for what had to be an hour before falling asleep. Makino carried me to my bed as the four boys just listened and watched.

Makino began arranging the presents on my desk for me and cleaning up. She whispered to them, "She'll be ok boys... Give her some time to adj-" She flinched as Luffy asked, "Is she gonna be like that when the three of them leave next year? Won't she be alone because I'll be thirteen and I have to start helping grandpa?" She looked to see them shocked and disheartened, "Yes... She will cry because she will miss you. So, give her as much as you can this next year to reassure her, alright?" They nodded as they all walked off.

I slowly opened my eyes and looked around to see it was dark outside then at my bracelet. I held it to my chest and applied my mana to listen to his message. "Iris-ya, I'm recording this because I want to reassure you that I love you and that I always have... My gaze that you ask about is because I never want to stop watching your laugh and smile... Iris-ya, I know you will be the best battlemage, so... I will work hard to become the best healer so we can travel the world together."

I tear up and hug it more, "I know it's six years, but please know that despite our young age... I will never forget you and I will wait for you as long as need be. Be it six or a hundred. Please be safe and... I love you Iris-ya." I cried and held it to my chest, but looked up at Gengi and motioned him into a hug. He curled into my embrace, so I nuzzled around him and slowly relaxed thanks to his steady breathing and warm body. I found myself falling asleep rather quickly. 

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