Chapter 2: Debut (Part 5)

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I ran up and jumped on Sengoku, who grunted playfully and laughed. "Uncle Sen. They don't bow to me anymore and don't address me other than my name, same with Sabo and Luffy. That's fine since I'm a princess, right?" Shanks, Makino, and Sengoku laughed and nodded, "Yeah, that's ok." I grinned and giggled, "Good!" I looked back, "Uncle Shanks..." I looked down, blushing then up at him, "... This is my debut right?"

He nodded, but they froze as I asked, "... Did Ace dance in place of him?" Shanks hesitantly nodded, so I stood up and walked up to him, "No! My dad should ask me for a dance." He blinked surprised before huffing and offering his hand, "Care for a dance?" I giggled and nodded as we made our way to the dance floor. The song changed to one similar to the first one and Shanks and I danced. He did more twirls and stuff, so I was giggling and enjoying myself a little more.

I blinked surprised as he twirled me to Sabo, who offered. I giggled lightly and nodded as I took turns dancing, twirling, and dancing some more with him, then Zoro, then Ace again, before Law offered last. I blushed and nodded as I took his hand and we danced. For some reason it felt a bit different, although I was smiling, giggling, and enjoying myself just as much.

I giggled at his smile and his small laughs as I did. He whispered, "The gem on the clip... It was the only thing I could make in time. I'm making you a bigger one for next year, so keep that in mind, alright?... I also... Have one more thing for you." I blushed and smiled, "Your birthday... What do you want to do for it?" He looked to the side hesitantly, "... We... Don't really do much. We don't do parties." I froze mid dance, "What?... I thought you wanted family time and that's why I only gave you presents..."

He slowly brought me off the dance floor to the side. I looked down and teared up as I grabbed his hand and dragged him to the group and pushed him in front, "Who knew he doesn't celebrate his birthday?!" They all stared at Anthoni and Corazon. I glared, "Why not?" Law rubbed the back of his neck, "I just don't like people."

I held his hand, "It doesn't have to be big... Law... You're my friend and you being alive and healthy is important to me..." He stiffened and shook slightly, but he hid his expression behind his hat as he looked down. "N-Next birthday... Just... Let's do something then..." I smiled, "Good! I'll make you something extra extra special!" I stared wide-eyed at his melancholy smile and him whispering. "... Iris-ya... You being alive and healthy... Is everything I need..." I stared confused as I asked, "What do you me-" Law looked back down and slipped away as Sengoku called for me.

I hesitantly left Law and ran up. He got everyone's attention before thanking everyone and motioned for us to go to the terrace for the last bit now that it was dark. He led me out and set me on the railing as we waited. After a few moments bright lights appeared in the sky. My eyes widened, "Wow! So pretty!" I blushed brightly as the lights flared, "Happy Birthday!", "We love you!", and "Thanks for being born!" While others were small explosions of light and shapes.

I laughed happily. "That's so pretty!" Sengoku whispered, "Law developed this for you... It exceeded my expectations." I looked at Law, who wasn't watching the lights, but me once again. I grinned and mouthed, "Thank you." His expression softened and he smiled as I turned my attention back to the display.

After the display, Shanks decided that it was best to head home, so I wish Sengoku bye and then the same to everyone else. Law grabbed my hand as we were leaving. "W-wait, umm..." I tilted my head confused, but he asked, "Come with me... For a moment..." I nodded softly as we walked away. He knew Zoro and Corazon were going to watch, so he put his hand up and did something before sighing, "I-Iris-ya..." I tilted my head as he looked to the side thinking, but he mumbled, "Fuck it..."

I burned a bright red as he moved my crown up and leaned to my forehead. He whispered softly, "Iris-ya... You must live a long, healthy, and joyful life..." He closed his eyes and rested just his forehead on mine, "Elements of the sun and elements of the day... Come this way... Powers of night and day... I summon and call upon thee, to protect and guide her... Bless her with good nights and sweet dreams... Don't let her smile fade..." He very shakily leaned back and smiled at my confused expression.

He set my crown back in place and whispered, "I hope you liked all my presents..." I nodded shyly, "Thanks Law... I like them a lot." He slipped his hand and mine. "I'm glad..." He held my hand and led me back to the group. I was a little confused and shy as I slipped away and went into the carriage. Law smiled, "See you in two weeks Iris-ya..." I nodded. "Thanks for the presents..."

I jerked as Ace asked, "Are you ok? Your face and neck are bright red." I burned hotter and got light headed, so I made my way next to Makino and nuzzled into her to hide my face. She giggled and stroked my hair. "Something good happen?" I looked up shyly, "... Why would Law look at me like that? I don't understand..." Makino stroked my hair, "You'll understand when you're older... Just let him know if you ever become uncomfortable..."

Shanks moved my crown a bit and it revealed an extremely small yellow light. He looked at Makino, "... We need to talk to him next time he visits with Iris..." He looked at me, "What did he say?" I looked to the side embarrassed, "T-that I must live a long, healthy, and joyful life... He then said something about elements and powers and then he said something about summoning to protect and guide me so I have sweet dreams and let my smile never fade or something like that."

Shanks leaned back and smiled, "... That so?... You have quite the friend... He's worth keeping around." I nuzzled into Makino and nodded as she stroked my hair to sleep. Shanks carried me to my room before having my maids help me change. She set my crown next to my scarf on my nightstand then I went to bed cuddling my bunny that I got on my fifth birthday. "Good night Iris... I love you." I nuzzled her hand for a moment, "Night... Love.. You.."

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