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He hated colours.


Because they were a language. Of love and happiness.

It's better to live his life off basic colours. grey and black. That he's more familiar with.

He lived by three basic rules: dont ask about his personal life, stay away from him, and never forget the first two rules.

Yes. Definitely a grinch.

"Sir the producers are here for the meeting scheduled at 1pm" his secretary mentions.

"Why the hell are they here, it's not even yet 12!" He yelled and she slightly flinched.

"Im on my way" he said calming my nerves down. He gave the small squishy ball in his hand a squeeze.


His psychologist labels him as a potential sociopath. Everyone did.

But they dont understand. They didn't get to witness what they did to her in front of him.

He got up, unwillingly, and headed to the meeting room, and he was already wishing it ended soon.


"Thank you Mr Dilregi, it is always a pleasure having you as our partner" Mr Yahya Shema said shaking his hand.

As they left, he headed back to his office. Getting my coffee from the coffee maker, and siting on his chair, a knock came from the door. Who is it this time?

"Come in" he said and it was non other than his best friend, Adnan Mustapha

"How's the robot holding up?" Adnan said closing the door behind him.

Adnan was the only one who knew how to push his buttons. And the only one who has every answer to anything he throw at him. Long story short, he doesnt take Nabil's crap

"So you decided to visit me?" he said taking a sip from my coffee..

"I was in the middle of a beautiful date with my girlfriend, and then something just kept nagging me: go check up on your robot he must miss you. And here i am my friend, sitting in front of you."

He unconsciously let his lips curl up into a smile. Yes, Adnan could do that.

At the end of my day, he wanted to just head home, eat, pray and relax comfortably.

No matter how many times he tried to convince his mother to let him move into the house he bought, she denied him.

Why again?

Because she's afraid he'll hurt himself. Worst case scenario: suicide.

But no dear mother, he has too much faith in God to do that.

The sound of his phone ringing brought him back from his trans.

"Hello" Nabil said into the airpod focusing on the road.

"Hello Nabil" a voice said. He rolled his eyes checking his phone for the ID. Of course he is

"What so you want Haidar?" He asked him

"Cant a cousin call his brother once in a while?" he said

"Well I'm driving right now..."

"Are you done from the company" he asked me. What's with the questions?

"Yes now will you please let me drive?" He commanded.

"Sure whatever, anyways see you tomorrow" he concluded

"What's happening tomorrow?"

"Family meeting. Check your schedules more often" Haidar reminded him

"Click" i said before ending the call.

What can I do to get some peace once in a while?


Sooo.... first chapter is done. I want to be very quick with this book, so maybe it won't be as descriptive as any other book but i do hope you love it.

See you soon<3

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