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"Is there anything else sir?" His secretary asked

"Oh no Alex, you can take the day off. I'll call you when I need you" Nabil replied sortibg out some papers on his table

"Are you sure you're okay sir?" Alex asked him confusion visible on ger face

"Jeez why wouldn't I?"

She left the office and bumped into Abdallah on the way

"Sorry sir" she apologized

"No worries, how is he doing in there"

"I think you should check on him, something is wrong" she told him and left.

Abdallah walked into the office, seeing Nabil on the phone.

"Yes, I'll be home before you know it....I'd love to try that....okay, see you later" he ended the call. "Why are you looking at me like that.

"Is this why Alex told me something was wrong with you?" Abdallah sat down on the seat opposite his desk

He waved his hand "forget Alex, let's talk business here."

"No let's talk about you. I've not seen you this happy in a while. Care to share?"

Nabil gave him his million dollar smile. "Wow now that's the smile I would die for" Abdallah commented. Sauda really was doing her job

"I feel more alive now Abdul, like I've been replanted, reincarnated whatever you call it. "

"It was a matter of time. You couldn't possibly ignore a pretty lady as a guy no matter how messed up you are." Abdallah said getting some water from the fridge.

"But I had this dream though..."

"Do you want to meet with doctor Yusha?"

"No I just want to get it out of my mind." Nabil said. "So I was alone at home, and someone kept calling my name. I headed downstairs and met with the same men from last two years. The female voice kept on calling me. I couldn't move, I was paralyzed. But when she turned her face...." he trailed off looking at Abdallah

"Go on" he urged

"It was Sauda." He said and they both were quiet.


"I keep having the same dream over and over Abdallah. I'm afraid" Nabil said

"Nabil, keep praying, you'll be alright okay? Never forget Allah is by your side at all times" Abdallah assured him.

Nabil cleared his throat "any ways, Adnan is not with you today?"

"Ahh..yes, he went to meet with Nafisa"

"So something is going on between the two" Nabil hummed smiling to himself. "I have to leave now, I'm late for my date with Sauda" Nabil said heading for the door. Abdallah smirked mischievously.

"We're spending quality time together if that's not what you're thinking"

Abdallah raised his hands in defence. "Buy her a gift on the way, an advice"


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