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She would never hear the end of it. She was sure of that. Her cousin sister and friend will never stop teasing her about the situation they found her in

"So...are you ready to tell us in detail or do we have to keep teasing you" Nafisa said. Saida srood in front of the mirror, combed her hair and packed it in position.

"Guys. Please. I swear to you nothing happened. You guys interrupted-"

"Oh so something was going to happen if we hadn't. Maybe a nephew or niece for me don't you agree Khadija?" Nafisa said and Sauda felt like pulling her hair.

"Definitely. I could already see that bab-"

"You guys are unbelievable. You're supposed to be comforting me. How would your husband and Adnan look at me now after this?" Sauda said. "Wait...how are you here Nafisa?"

"What do you mean shouldn't I be here?"

"No. Abdallah and Khadija walked in together. You can't drive, you hate public transport so..." she trailed off studying her face. A large mischievous smile formed on her face

"Now it's my turn to tease you." Sauda laughed. "You and Adnan huh" she wiggled her eyebrows.

"You're insane" Nafisa said blushing.

"So I was right!" Sauda jumped in front of Nafisa teasing her all the way.


"What brought you guys here?" Nabil asked them taking a gulp of water.

"Well....we came to tell you you can resume work on monday, but then I guess you'll need more than that..." Abdallah chuckled.

"Shut it" he scratched his nape.

"I know and we're sorry for interrupting you guys, we'll knock next time alright" Adnan winked. They both headed for the door.

"Wait...you both can't leave me alone. with them. They'll kill me" he whisper yelled

"Stop exaggerating Nabil, just let them be alone, be in your room. We'll come back to pick them okay bye" Abdallah said.

He heard their car leave and breathed out. They wont kill you

As if on cue he saw all three of them come down the stairs. Oh shit

"Nabil!" He heard Nafisa's voice first. He slowly turned to get it over with quickly. "Yo yo lover boy "

"Yes Naf" he said to her clearly frustrated. She walked over to him placing her elbow on his shoulder. Which proved to be a hard task regarding how tall he was.

"So after the stunt you pulled today, I guess i should be expecting a nephew or niece soon am I right?"

"Nafisa!" Sauda called her feeling embarrased

"What?! I'm just telling the truth. Just checking out possibilities. Oooh or even twins-"

"Nafisa!" Nabil called out sternly. She rolled her eyes.

"You cant hide things forever you know" she and Khadija laughed heading back upstairs.

"Oh god this is so embarrasing" Sauda said burying her face in her palms."I told you someone might walk in on us, but no, you never listen"

"You should be happy we weren't doing anything. Yet" he snickered

She groaned leaving the room. "I'm done here"

"You can't run from this!" He called out to her but she waved him off causing him to laugh genuinly in years.


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