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Four words that changed Sauda's entire being: 'you are getting married.'

At first, she thought it was a joke, little did she know that she was the joke. As a student in her forth year of architecture, she wouldn't say too soon, but it was too soon.

No. She didn't have a boyfriend and she had no interest in anyone. Call her a loner or whatever.

What keeps lingering in her head though is what Nabil told me some days back.

I will marry you, whether you like it or not. Everyone knows that.

He couldn't have been serious. She know Nabil, the only thing in his mind is to mind his business or sass back at you.

"Sauda, are you in there?" She heard a knock on my door with a familiar voice.

"I'm in here Mami" she said as her mother slowly opened the door.

She came to sit next to Sauda. "Are you sure you want to do this? we're not forcing you" she asked me

Do I want to do this?

"Mami it's either this or I spend the rest of my life slouching on the couch do you want that?" She chuckled. Sauda didn't lie about that. Because she knew she was not interested in any kind of relationship.

"I'm proud of you" her mother said and she smiled sheepishly.

"Well come downstairs now everyone is already here" she told her

"I'll be down in a minute." She said to her.

She knew she was getting married to one of her cousins, but not knowing which of them is making her heart race more.

She climbed down stairs, meeting with the sight of her family chatting amongst themselves.

She greeted each one of them, and took a seat next to Saada, her cousin.

Conversations drifted and drifted until they reached the topic of the day. Marriage.

"Lets say hello to the newest couple of the month, Nabil and Sauda!" her aunt, Hauwa beamed. Her eyes looked up and met with Nabil's. It is very strange how when she looked at his eyes, she feels her heart racing.

"Now the wedding should take place 2 weeks from now, as we agreed" her father, Zubair Dilregi announced.

She was smiling uncomfortably. She never thought her wedding would come that soon, or at least that way.

"What do you want to do in your wedding so it can be arranged?" She was asked.

"Just Walima is okay" she responded and Saada sent her a death glare. She avoided her eyes intently.

Everyone began to leave after Asr, Nabil being one of them obviously.


"Just the walima are you kidding me?" Saada complained as they entered the room

"You can see I'm not the biggest fan of Nabil" Sauda groaned.

Saada rolled her eyes and Sauda snickered.



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