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He woke up again at 6am, feeling uneasy. He walked out to get a cup of water. Something was off. He opened the front door, but she was not there. Oh she did not...

He stormed to her bedroom and found her on the praying mat lying down.

He roughly got her up. She looked at him wide eyed.

"Who the hell asked you to come in!" he yelled gripping her shoulders tightly.

"Ow! Nabil you're hurting m-"

"Hell yes I am. What do you all want from me?" He shouted.

"I'm you're freaking cousin off course you'll have to bloody see me all the time. I didnt throw myself at you. I didn't ask to get married to YOU!" she shouted back.

"Tell me the fuck you're doing this now or I swear-" he started

"Or what? You're going to what? hit me?Cut me limb by limb? Go on do it. DO IT NABIL DILREGI IF YOU HAVE THE GUTS AND I'LL SHOW YOU YOU'RE  NOT THE ONLY PSYCHOPATH HERE" she shouted looking him straight in the eye. But the worse happened.

Next he knew his hand was in the air, about to hit her. Realisation dawned on him. He quickly let his hand down cussing under his breathe.

"Fuck fuck fuck shit! where are my pills? Fuck, where did i put them!" He yelled going to his room searching. She foloowed him as she saw him sitting on the floor as he shook as many pills into his palm, not caring of the quantity, and popped them into his mouth .

He let out a deep sigh as he looked down.

Sauda knew he went for therapy, but she didnt think it resulted to him being on drugs.

She walked in the room but he stopped her. "If you want peace Sauda, its better of you stay the fuck away from me" he said looking at her with hard eyes.

She didn't want to cause anymore trouble so she head back outside. He was truly bipolar.

"You should have never mentioned that man to me" he muttered loud enough for her to hear


Nabil was out, and that was her chance. She went into his room, searching every corner she could for not something particular. She wanted to know the reason for his attitude, his sudden change in behavior.

As she went through his stuff, she found the pills she found him taking earlier. Xanax. She furrowed her eye brows. She knew it was for psychiatric medication for insomnia and anxiety disorders. She kept in shock and went ahead to his wardrobe.

While trying to put back a box, some papers fell from. Ya Allah she muttered to herself as she tried to pack the papers. Something told her to read the paper, and her eyes widened in fear.

Patient's name: Nabil Ahmad Dilregi
Ward number: 32
Diagnosis: suffering from anxiety, stress, bipolar, occasional violence.
Cause of nature: a close one being brutally abused and raped in front of his eyes.
Cure: therapy, monthly. Xanax

Ya Rahman!


Why did she go in there? She's stubborn for her nature

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