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I have a surprise for y'all. Some might like it and some might'nt

"Do you have the slightest idea what you're saying Haidar. He's your brother. He's family" Abdallah said taking a seat on the couch.

"And that is why we have no other choice. He cannot keep living like that. I am concerned about both him and Sauda" Haidar answered putting both his hands on his waist

"And did you ask Sauda's opinion on this?"

Adnan got up for the first time. "Can we just table this conversation. Right now taking him away is going to be a very bad idea" Adnan said looking at Abdallah. "You remember what he was saying the day he snapped."

Both Abdallah and Haidar fell silent. "He said he's afraid we are going to get tired of him someday. And doing this is just going to prove his lie true."

"Yes. So please uncle Zubair, please reconsider your decision" Adnan turned to Zubair whom shared a look with Haidar's father

"Okay that is enough now, boys" Uncle Sulaiman spoke. He turned to Zubair.

"Are you sure about this? Sauda isn't going to take it lightly you know it"

"She'll thank me one day. In fact he'll thank me one day"

"But drugs aren't actually his problem" Aunt Hajara chirped in

"Yes, it's more like a mind psychological center. He'll be alright" Zubair assured.

"I honestly don't like this idea" Abdallah murmered to Adnan. They said there Salams and went out.

"I'm taking Nabil away. Somewhere he can't be found. Him and Sauda" Abdallah said as soon as they got into the car.

"Abdul it's not our place to interveen we don't even have a say in this"

"We're talking our bestfriend on the line here!" Abdallah shouted.

"Bestfriend. But we're not part of the family Abdallah. They know what is best for their son" Adnan said trying to calm Abdallah down.

"To hell with family" Abdallah said under his breathe and jerked the car backwards.


"Nabil I'm home" Sauda yelled inside the house as soon as she got in. She found him on the couch and walked over to him, hugging him from behind.

"Sauda..." Nabil said pulling her hands away from his body clearly irritated. She sighed holding her head.

"Nabil we can't go back to no touching basis again. Come on Nabil, dont you miss this smooth body" she smirked mischievously. She stood in front of him, proceeding to sititng on his lap facing him. She took his hands and guided them under her shirt.

"This smooth beautiful body that you always crave" she guided his hand up and down her curves. She could see him visibility gulp, closing his eyes.

She wouldn't say she was confortable with the whole situation, but again, that was for Nabil. Not her pleasure. She needed to bring out the man in Nabil.

"You cannot ignore this sexy body for too long N-" she started but released a gasp when a hand pulled her closer by her waist.

Their noses were touching at that point. He gripped her waist harder, trying to restrain himself from doing anything.

He finally let out a loud groan, lifting her up to place her on the couch. "What the fuck are you doing Sauda" he groaned placing his head in between his palms. "Not everything or time is about being a slut"

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