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She woke up a bit early the next morning. She search the house and came to the conclusion that Nabil already left for work.

She sighed walking to the kitchen to make herself breakfast. She went to the fridge, but she found a sticky not on the door.

If you wake up early, you can leave for the foundation. I wont be back home early.


She didn't know when a smiled crept out of her lips. She was overjoyed. He was human afterall.

She took a quick bath, and exited the house driving to the foundation.

She entered in a hurry, going into her working space.

"The newly wedded Mrs Dilregi has arrived!" Hassana beamed giving Sauda a hug. "Congratultions, B!"

"Thank you Hassana" she hugged her back equally.

"How did Miss Fatima take the news? Was she harsh on you?"

"Lets just say I'm about to get fired today " she said flipping through some papers on her desk.

"Dont worry, she wont. And even if she does we're going to protest!" Hassana assured her. And she wished it was true.

She headed to Miss Fatima's office. She let out a deep breathe before knocking on her door.

"Come in" she said and she opened the door.

She was on the phone, do Sauda waited for her to finish.

"So you finally decided to come back?" She said after ending the call.

"Goodafternoon Madam" Sauda said to the mid-thirties woman in front of her.

"It would have been a good afternoon. You just spoilt my mood" she said going back to her lap top.

"I'm sorry miss-"

"Do you think I'm going to treat you better, or more special because you're the daughter of Zubair Dilregi? A gem to the Dilregi family? You're human so I'm treating you as I'll treat anyother person here. You'll be on suspension Mrs Dilregi for the time being"

"Madam please, I really need this j-"

"Why? Aren't you a Dilregi? You can fend for yourself with or without a job. Now get out of my office!" She yelled "and where are the designs?"

"I didn't get the chance to finish them Miss I was busy with the wedding" Sauda tried to sound as meek as she could, probably Miss Fatima will take it lightly on her, but miss Fatima was quiet. I'm screwed

Sauda slipped out of the room. She went to her table and sat down.

"So, how did it go?" Hassana asked her

"I'm going on a two day suspension" she replied not looking up.

"You poor thing! I'm sorry" Hassana said and Sauda smiled teying to hide back her tears.

She came back home a bit after Asr. As she entered the house she let her tears as she cried loudly knowing no one was home.

She stayed in the living room, sniffing back her tears. "Sauda" a voice called her and she jerked back turning to Nabil.

"I thought you wont be back early" she said avoiding his eyes. She wiped off her tears.

"Why are you crying?"

"Im not" she said walking past him "it's just something in my eyes.

"Why. Are. You. Crying?" He demanded. She got a bottle of water from the fridge.

"Why do you care? I see you derive pleasure by torturing me so why do you care now?" She asked him.

He stopped to think for himself. He did want her to leave him alone, but not that he would see her crying and let her go just like that.

"See? You need to even think. Is it really a bad thing to try making your own name in this world? Must I always have to lean on that name that when i get pointed at it'll be 'hey that's the daughter of that'. Cant I be my own person?" She cried out unable to control the tears.

He only watched her from afar, unable to do anything.


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