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"Adnan where is my husband?" Sauda persisted. Adnan still refused to answer. "Adnan!" She whined.

"We took him to his house alright. He needs to recover mentally, and needs to be alone" he answered.

"Can't I see him now, its been a week, you know the taunts I get from both our families?" She told him. "Can't I see him?" She asked again.

"I'll take you there, after Isha if that's what you want, but you need to keep ut between us. Abdallah would kill ne if he finds out aboit this."


They arrived at an all painted white two story building house.

"He bought this house the first time he started his company" Adnan explained and she nodded

"You sure yoi dont have a problem with me staying with him?" Sauda asked him

"Well I cant say yes since you basically disturbed me all the while" he chuckled. "But you need to be careful with him, alright?"

She bodded as he led her into the house. Inside of the house was painted cream in colour instead.

"He's in the room upstairs, first by rhe left" he told her

"Can you give us privacy for some time?" She asked him and he nodded.

She reached the room and found Nabil sotting on the bed. She softly knocked and he turned to her.

He got up waliing over to her. "Sauda-" she cut him by raising her palm to him.

"I know I'm the last person you want to see right now, but i gotta tell you I am truly sorry. I didn't know what got to me really" he explained.

"You know the whole family is freaking out now?" She stated. He sat fown on the bed again avoiding her gaze

"Nabil" she called again sternly, sitting next to him.

"Please stay away" he said moving away.

"Dont push me away Nabil"

"You need to stay away from me Sauda. I dont want to hurt you" he got up from the bed.

" you need to come back home Nabil. Abba said if anything he is going to divorce us and I know that's something we both dont want." She said. He turned to her

"So you're telling me you still love me after all this?" He asked. She stayed quiet not wanting to say anything to trigger him. "Fuck!" He whispered sighing along the way.

"I thought you said you love me?" She questioned

"Youre caring for me too much Sauda and that's dangerous" he said

"So you want us to get separated?" She asked again

He looked at her for a long time, before he walked over to her. Her heart was beating fast for what he might do. He pulled her towards him staring into her eyes.

"I'm not the cliche type to say i can't live without you or that I'll die without you" he started and she looked down, disappointed. "But i have to say that it'll be hard to live without you" he completed and her eyes looked into his light brown eyes that she gets mezmorized with easily.

She looked at him long and hard, and at that moment, what she really wanted to do was to fix things. And she'll make him fall in love with her.

She smashed her lips against his, not moving. He was taken by surprise but after some time he started moving his lips aginst hers. He gripped the back of her neck pulling her closer to him. He used his other hand to cup her face.

He kissed her passionately, gently nibbling on her lower lip. His husky groans and her moans were all that filled the room.

"Fuck..." he groaned pulling away from her pulling his hair in frustration. He wanted it, at the same time he did not.

"Why did you stop?" She asked him trying to catch her breathe.

"I'm... I cant do this" He confessed


"I think you should let her stay with him" Adnan said. Abdallah got up from the couch, staring at his friend

"No he has to recover this is equivalent to therapy and that's it" Abdallah walked pass him

"It'll be a great idea for her to be with him trust me on this"

"And how sure are you" Abdallah turned

"He kissed her today" Adnan said "I saw it, he kissed her and even though he pulled away from her he still did which is a good sign."

"That doesnt-"

"Yes it does. She'll help him stop all this nonsense once and for all"

Abdallah was speachless for sometime before he let out a deep sigh.

"I hope you know what you're saying and doing Adnan. Dont mess this up."


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