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"Hi!" Sauda beamed as he walked in through the front door. "You're back early today."

"Yes, you told me to. Plus it's already five" he said and removed his blazer leaving him in his white shirt. He wrapped his hands around her.

"Mmm when did you start listening to me?" She cocked her eye brow.

"When you told me you were cooking" hw smirked and they both laughed.

"You look beautiful this evening" he whispered in her ear. She was wearing a red silk gown.

"You dont look so bad too after a day at work" she unbuttoned his top button.

They proceeded to the dining area. She served him spagetti and meatballs and was about to do the same to herself.

"We should eat on the same plate." He stopped her and she sat.

They ate in silence. "I want to see your hair" he requested

"Nabil, we're eating" she said

"It's our date." He defended his point. She sighed hesitantly letting her scarf down, and her beautiful black hair was revealed in a doughnut bun. The light from the dining area- as the only source of light- made her hair shine.

"What can you say about 'dating' " Sauda asked him.

"Well..." he started. "I think in my opinion is when I choose the rightful person I know will be okay for me for life, when I know I can trust you with any bit of issue, problem, or secret without a worry of the world. But, never been a fan" he explained.

"Same." She said and there was a silence. The soft music played in the background. "Vintage music"

"From the nineties." He replied. "What are your likes?" He asked her

"I just love to be independent. Normally draw, sketch random designs in my notepad" she listed taking a bite of her meatball.

"Okay, what do I like?..." he asked himself "Coffee?" They both chuckled.

"I could tell" she said laughing. "What type of movies are you into?"

"I don't actually watch movies so..." he trailed off

She gasped "you need to be introduced. Well, mine is horror I suppose the big guy can manage horror" she gave him a wide smile

"I'm not the one afraid of spiders" he smirked and she looked away. "Yeah. I remember"

She stiffled a laughter but in vain. "Okay another question for you...how old are you?"

"You dont know my age? I'm hurt" he gasped

"It's not like that, at least I know your birthday, okay lets say 38?"

"I'm not that old" he cringed and she chuckled. "Lets let this be a mystery to be solved." He smirked at her. "You on the other hand, you're 23"

"How do you know that?" She gasped "Nabil D, you've been stalking my snap?"

"Ha! You wish. I just happened to know" he said cockily.

"Know-it-all" she rolled her eyes and she chuckled.

They were done with their food, and the song 'Kiss From A Rose' came up.

"Do you want to dance?"

"I dont know how to dance"

He stretched his hands to her. "I'll lead you". She looked at his palm and placed hers on his.

He placed his hands on her waist and pulled her closer to him wrapping her hands around his neck.

"You're an old timer you know?" She said

"How exactly?"

"What is this song?"

"it's just from the nineties" he replied. They began moving in rhythm with the song.

"I could work with that" she flashed him a smile.

"You have a beautiful smile" he commented

"I love your eye colour"

"You didn't like granpa and his children's hazel eyes it's mine you like?" He lifted an eye brow

"Well..." she said laughing as well.

She placed her hands around his shoulders and rested her head on his chest.

🎶but did you know, that when it snows
My eyes become larger, and the light that you shine can be seen
Babyy I compare you to a kiss from a rose on the gray🎶

"Kiss from a rose?" She asked

"Yes" he replied

"I like it" she mumbled against his chest.

"I can hear your heartbeat" she said

"How does it?"

"It's saying 'dont let me die Sauda' " she squeaked out causing him to laugh. He put his hand in his pocket.

"I got you something." He said bringing out a small jewelry box.

🎶there is so much a man can tell you, so much he can say
You remain my power, my pleasure, my pain.
To me you're like a growing addiction that I cant deny.
Won't you tell me is that healthy.

He sang along as he moved back and knelt down in front of her. "Sauda, you have been with me even when I was harsh to you. You showed me you care for me and can stand me at least. I know you might not have forgiven me completely, or you're still mad at me, but i want you to know from the bottom of my heart, I am truely sorry for all that went down between us." He opened the jewelry box revealing a ring. "This is a ring that represents the promise I'm giving to you to be the best person i could ever be for you."

He grabbed her hand and slipped the ring onto her ring finger. She was in awe, unable to speak, just a lone tear that left her eye. He got up and as soon as he did, Sauda wrapped her hands around his torso in a tight hug. He hugged her back.

Nothing was said between them, but everything was already crystal clear.


Okay okay, calm down I'm not screaming I promise *stiffling down a scream*

I'm not wiping my tears with a tissue😫

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