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"How is he doing now?" Haidar asked her

"He's better. He's asleep" Sauda answered after she came out of the room.

"You need to be cautious, he needs to take his medicines at the right time. Don't let him miss it, alright?" Haidar said heading to the door.

"Where are you going now?"

"I'm going somewhere" he answered scratching his head and Sauda smirked.

"You have a date I see"

"How did you know" he laughed nervously

"It's obvious. Anyhow greet the special person for me" she winked as she closed the door. She puffed out a breathe and slumped herself on the couch.

She heard shuffling and when she turned she saw Nabil walking out.

"Nabil you need to rest, you're still weak" she said walking over ro him. She helped him sit on the couch. "Do you want water?"

"I had one" he answered. She sat down next to him.

"Leave me alone" he said eyes closed. She thought she heard him wrong and he got his head up to face her. "I said...leave!" He thundered and she watched him silently.

"No!" She yelled and he got up.

"Are you defying me?" He watched her intently with his eyes. He kept moving closer to her. "What did I tell you? Didn't I ask you to leave?"

"Right before you said you loved me? Oh yeah i forgot about-" she was cut with an unexpexted turn of event. He slapped her

This time, he didnt back down, he crouched down to her level and gripped her cheeks hard. "Why do you always have to be a bitch?" He snared pushing her head back down.

She slowly got up, tears spilling out of her eyes. She touched her lips, which were then spewing blood.

"You're a disgusting person Nabil you know that. You bipolar fuck! I-" she kept quiet when she heard somthing smash on the floor. It was a vase and Nabil picked one of the sharp pieces.

"Come on, say it! Continue talking!" He out the piece on her forearm, pressing it down trailing it down. She winced and screamed in pain as Nabil's body shook.

She managed to kick his stomach and run into a room stepping on the broken glass in the process. "Dont make me run after you Sauda! You do not fucking wanna know what happens next"

She heard him yell and she looked at her forearm, blood trickling down it. She made to remove the broken pieces from her leg. What did she do to deserve Nabil?

She locked the door and leaned on it just in case. He came banging on the door with full force and she was crying already.

"Open the goddamn door Sauda, I swear to you you'll regret this when I come in" he said still banging on the door.

She sniffled, bringing her palms to her lips covering it. She got up and got her phone, dialling a number she didnt know whom she was calling.

With one last hit, he opened the door. He stumped to her gripping her neck in a tight grip and pushed her hard to the wall. He phone fell to the floor

"Why won't you leave me alone already? What do you want from me?"

"Nab..il you're hu..rting me" she was out of oxygen as he did nothing but apply more pressure.

She began gasping for air as it became hard for her to breathe

He released her for a second, and showed what was now in his hands to her neck. She gasped seeing the shiny knife against her neck.

"Nabil this is Haram-"

"Spear me the preaching, jeez!! I asked you to give me an answer"

"Can't we be normal couple for once" she whimpered closing her eyes.

"Why exactly? Do you deserve it? When you're just a liar!" He applied more pressure to the knife and she screamed in pain. Blood stained her face, hands, entire body.

"What do you want us to do? Watch a movie together? Cook together? Have sex?!" He yelled

"I'm sorry" she cried out

"If that's what you really want let's do it then" he moved away from her. "Get undressed" he ordered "the bed's this way, or you can choose where you want me to take your virginity. That is if you really are a virgin"


"Get the fuck out of those clothings and get on the bed" he said sternly

She shook her head. He sighed smiling at her. "Come on, Sauda. Lets get to bed, alright. I won't hurt you" he said as sweetly as he could

"I don't want to" she croaked out.

Nabil pinched the bridge of his nose shaking his head. "God aren't you fucking annoying, jeez!! If you aren't so stubborn. Just when you think you've learnt your lesson Sauda." He clicked his tongue moving closer to her with the knife in hand. "Do I need to ask you to get undressed again. Dont let me rip it off you" he said placing the knife on her chest and dragged it down.

"I said no-" as she was about to say she got hit in the face, hard. She laid on the floor sobbing. He got on top of her on the floor.

She started struggling. "Get off me you bastard, get off me!" She yelled he pinned her hands to the floor and stared deep in her eyes.

Something sparked in him, and he got off her immediately. He stumbled on the floor, looking at her as he backed away.

"Nab-" Adnan ran into the room and felt his heart drop at the scene in front of him. He saw Sauda lying on thr floor sobbing while Nabil was curled up watching sith a shocked expression.

Adnan's anger rook over him and he raced to Nabil gripping his collar. "What the fuck is wrong with you man?!" He yelled at his face but Nabil didn't respond. He was numb.

"Did you know she's a lady you sick dick!" He shouted sending Nabil to the ground with a punch.

Nabil came back to reality with the intensity of the punch. "Fuck!" He groaned and he was sent back down with another punch to the cheek.

Adnan rushed to Sauda, picking her up and placed her on the bed. "Don't...don't touch my wife like that" Nabil croaked out losing his eye sight gradually

"The audacity!" Adnan came over to him again, sending him a punch.

Sauda was still in pain, and was unable to talk. She was still sniffling and crying though. Adnan sat next to her. "Shh it's okay, I'm here now" he said

Adnan got his phone, dialling a number. He watched Nabil intently. He needdd to go back to his therapist


Oh my god! He really is bipolar! Who saw this coming:( tbh i feel sorry for both of them sha.

And a lot of you might hate me after this chapter. But I'm sorryyy! It's a big part in this book it had to happen!

Don't forget to vote and comment what you think tho

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