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"Mrs Dilregi" a lady called Sauda whom looked up. "The boss is asking for you" she said and walked away.

"Me?" She whispered to herself as she got up heading to the top floor.

As she reached the door which clearly has 'Mrs Bugaje' wriiten on the door, she soflty knocked.

"Come in" she heard form inside and she took a deep breathe going in.

"Sauda right?" She smiled at her and she nodded brushing her fingers over her knuckles. "Please,  have a seat" she said gesturing for the seat in fron to the desk.

"Good afternoom miss Bugaje. It is a pleasure meeting you in person" Sauda said smiling.

"The pleasure is all mine sweetheart." She replied. She got a crumpled paper in her hand. "Sauda...I happened to come back from my trip yesterday...just out of sheer curiousity," she turned the paper to her. "Did you do this?"

She looked at the paper. The paper had one of the drawings she was working on some days before. It didn't come out as she ought it to be so she threw it away.

"Yes I did. It was a rough draft. It didn't come out as it was supposed to" she replied already sweating. She was nervous.

"No. This is...amazing. it's good." She commented smiling. "I love it!"

Sauda took the oportunity to smile.

"Well...thank you Mrs Bu-"

"Call me Inaya, dear. Have you ever sown one of your drafts?"

"Yes actually, I did this myself" she replied showing her the dress she was wearing.

"I dont think I'll regret hiring you" Inaya couldn't stop smiling. "What are you doing this afternoon?" She asked.

"Are you asking me...like...on a...a date?" She stuttered

"Of course. We can go to a nearby coffee shop and have fun, together" she said

"Sorry, I promised to spend time with my husband today" she said

"Oh that's fine. We can do it again some other time. And by the way congratulations on your wedding, whenever it was" she smiled at Sauda.

Now this is a boss


"We should go to Ummi. We haven't talked to her for a long time" Sauda suggested

"You just came back from work dont you need to rest?" Nabil asked her. She wind down the window of the car to get some fresh air. She didn't reply him

He didn't talk either, but she could see him take the turn to Ummi's house.

They were at the gate in not time. "I knew you love me too much to reject it"

"Who told you I love you? Keep deceiving yourself" Nabil answered smirking

"You're the one deceiving yourself" Sauda laughed and the guard came out to the car

"I am looking for my mother. Is she there?"

"I'm sorry Mr Nabil but your mother just left minutes ago but she didn't specify where she was going" he explained and he looked at Sauda

"Now I have more time for myself with you" he smirked biting his lower lip.

She looked down avoiding his gaze. "Just drive, Nabil" she said and he chuckled heading home.


"Do you know what? I just made a friend today at work" Sauda said putting a spoonful of food in her mouth.

"Who is that?" He asked not raising his head.

"It's Mrs Inaya Bugaje" she said and he stopped all he was doing and looked up.

"Your boss?" He asked and she nodded. "How?"

She narrated everything to him, all the while he was listening attentively. "Well that's nice." He commented

"You know what else is nice?" She asked him and he shook his head. "If you told me your age"

He chuckled. "Are you still on that?"

"Please. You know mine why can't I know yours"

"I just dont want to say it"

"Okay. How's this; if I succeed in making you confess your love, you'll tell me your age"

"You can't do that" he smirked

'Oh can't I? You'll be surprised" she smiled at him getting up from her chair. "Anyways...I'm going to sleep. Goodnight"


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