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Things have gottten awkward between the two. They only met in the dining room and living room. Sometimes, when one of them sees the other some where, he quickly changes direction.

Sauda was in the kitchen , spaced out in front of the sink. Nabil walked in mustering all tee coutage he could and walked to her, wrapping his hands around her small waist.

It took her by surprise as she flinched looked back at him. "Nabil-" she said trying to get his hands away.

"I'm an idiot you know? And until you forgive me I'm not going anywhere" he said putting his chin on her shoulder. He didn't know how much tablets he took that morning. And boy was that affecting him.

"Okay fine I forgive you" she said trying to wiggle her way out.

"From the bottom of your heart?" He asked. Definitely high

"Yes I forgive you truly " she said but he didnt let go. Instead he moved his nose up her shoulder to her neck. Her eyes widened at the motion

"I told you to stop wearing this Cocoa scented cream" he said still moving his nose up her neck before he gently placed a kiss there. "It makes me go wild. I cant think of what I'll do to you"

Her eyes wifened more if that's even possible. She tried to speak but she could not get a word out.

He turned her around, still holding her waist. He cupped her face and looked down at her lips slowly moving closer. His pink lips were inches away from hers, and she could feel his breathe on her lips.

Despite the shock she felt, she still did not want their first kiss to be stolen when he was not in his right mind. What she needed were answers in this state.

She gently pushed him back and she could not miss the sadness that flashed in his eyes. "I have a question for you Nabil" she said walking them to the table. He sat down.

"Who got raped?" She asked and his body tensed up

There was a whole 2 minutes of silence before he spoke. "Asal" he croaked out.

Her mouth dropped open in pure shock. "They came in one night, looking for our father. They said he stole their money on a bet. They raped her, and forced me to watch" he confessed closing his eyes trying to clear his head.

" I'm so sorry that happened Nabil"

"She fell sick for days, a ver high fever, plus she got depressed. But yhen I walked in..." his voice broke and he began to cry. " I walked into her room one night and she was gone Sauda! My Asal was gone all because of his mistakes" he cried out

She moved closer yo him and hugged him. " Asal is in a better place Nabil, stop crying okay? Come on what happened to my Nabil? The one that keeps on fighting?" She turned his face to her and used her palm to clean his tears

"That Nabil is gone Sauda. He is fading away because of you." He said looking at her eyes

"Let me get you to bed" she tried getting up but he held her

" I'm perfectly fine and sober. I know all I'm saying" he said. "I dont know how but you managed to make me bring down my guard and it's a dangerous game your playing. It wilp be hard for you to forget what I did, talk less of forgive me, but I do hope you do.

"I fell in love with you, without caring what happens. I know I dont even have the right to, considering what I've done even before we got married."

As soon as he was done saying all that, he laid himself on the table.

"What's wrong with you?" She asked him.

"Nothing it's ...it's just a minor headache" he replied. She touched his head, he was pipping hot and shivering. "Let me get you to bed Nabil" she said trying to get him up.

She finally got him to his room, following with a bowl of water and a towel.

"Lay your head" she asked him to and got the towel, dipping it in the water and putting it on his head.

She proceeded to removing his shirt and rubbing his upper half with the towel.

"Get me...my pills" he whispered. She got him the container handling it to him.

"No! You need to take one tablet a day Nabil" she yelled seeing as he popped 3 to 4 capsules in his mouth.

He didnt reply and just kept his head on the pillow.

She got up to leave but he held her hand. "Stay here please" he said



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