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Nabil walked into the cool atmosphere of the building, heading directly to the receptionist.

"I'm here to see the boss here " he said

"Do you have an appointment?" The receptionist asked

"No" he ssid dryly.

"I'm sorry but Madam is dealing with some things right now"

"Look, I need to see her now" he still pushed and a lady walked over to them.

"What is going on here?" Miss Fatima asked

"I'm looking for the boss around here" he pushed his hands into his pocket.

"That'll be me, can you step into my-"

"No need. I believe you know who I am?" He inquired and all the workers turned to see what was happening

"Yes Mr Dilregi I am well aware"

"And you are well aware of my wife works with you doesn't she?" He asked her and she nodded. "I heard you gave her a suspension for not coming back to work early after her wedding. So here's the thing. She quits. She won't be working under you again."

Miss Fatima stood there stunned. "Wow! She-"

"Yes she has" he cut her off "she didn't need this job but she still begged you to keep it even after what you're doing to her. She's trying to make a name for herself and you're making her agitated about it. I'm a man of few words so...on behalf of my wife, she quits"

He finished and walked out of the building wearing his sunglasses. He made for his car and drove straight back home.


"Why did you quit Sauda?" She heard as soon as she picked the call.

"I didn't quit, we already discussed this I'm on a two days suspension" she explained

"Well your husband doesn't seem to agree with that"

"Wait, what are you talking about?" Sauda inquired

"He came in here and told Miss Fatima that you quit" Hassana said and Sauda has never been more filled with rage.

She heard his car pull up in the driveway. He walked into the house casually.

"Why the hell did you do it?" She yelled as soon as she made contact with his face. He raised an eyebrow at her

"You know very well what I'm talking about why did you tell my boss I quit?" She followed him to his room

"I did what I had to you're not going back to that office" he said as calmly as he could

"Why didn't you at last tell me you were going to? If i wanted to quit I would have done it on my own. How will the interns all look at me now? The woman that sends her bloody husband to tell her boss she quits?"

"For once here, I am looking out for you.  I am caring for you so will you quit whining about your dumb job. Last we talked I told you i was giving you a job and you agreed"

"Yes, I agreed but i never said you should go quit me out of my job. And if you didn't know for your information mister, you caring does more damage than you actually being agressive so please...." she said to him and walked away.

So much for trying to be the good guy.


Ohh smh! Why? Who asked you oh dear Nabil?

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