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Sauda started working two days later. She had her portfolio sent to the company and they accepted her.

As she groaned squeezing the paper for the 20th time, she placed her head on the table, trying to relax

"Ideas dont just come like that you know that?" She looked up to see a man, about his teen age, in glasses. He pushed them back with his index finger.

"Yes I kinda caught on to that since that's my job" Sauda ssid raising her head up fully.

"Coffee" he placed the cup on her table

"Sorry, but I dont take coffee" she apologized

"Same. So what are doing here"

"Sorry...who are you?"

"I'm Asim, I work as an intern" he answered and she nodded.

"What are you, twelve?" she scoffed

"I'm nineteen" he answered.

"Well this is awkward" she murmered

"They say it'll be good for my resumè when I go to work in those big companies. I've alaays wanted to be an engineer"

"Oh that's nice. Say, what is your dream job?" Sauda asked

"I've always wanted to work in those construction companies"

"Really?" She said surprised andhe nodded.

"Should I tell you a secret?" She made him lean in. "I can get you a job at Dilregi construction companies if you want"

He gasped "shut up!"

"Im serious."

"You're serious right" he asked and she nodded

"Dont worry. I have my ways"


Sauda came back home before Nabil to surprise him. As soon as he walked in she turned on the boom play.

"What the..." he started but the music played loudly.

"Im in looovee with a monster!" Sauda sang along with the song. She was dancing randomly. Nabil stood in front of the door looking at her. How did I end up with a crazy wife

Crazy wife that you love

Im in love with a monster
My daddy told me I should have better taste
But I'd rather pay to see the look on his face
No I dony really care for the lame conversation
Got everything Ineed but I'd rather be chasing, chasing love
With a monster

Sauda sang with the loud music dragging Nabil with her. She was laughing uncontrollably as she took his hands in hers dancing around the place in random moves. Nabil seemed amused, as he laughed it all the way.

"Cause I'm in love, with a monster!" She sang the last verse wrapping her hands around his neck and pulling him into a kiss.

She pulled away after the short kiss and went to turn off the boom box

"So I'm the monster?" He questioned

"I don't want to answer anything without a lawyer" she stood her ground.

"Well of course, you're too hyper what did you take?" He gave her a questioning look

"I dont know. I didn't take anything." She shrugged

"No, you kissed me, you took coffee" he came closer to her, until his face was so close to hers. "You took coffee, I know it when I taste or smell it" he said

"Okay yes you got me" she scoffed

"Why did you? I thought you didn't take coffee" he raised an eyebrow finding everything amusing to him.

"And this is the main reason I dont. I cant handle it. It makes me hyper." She pouted

"Then why did you take it today?"

"I want to go wild with you" she smirked


Sauda was making the bed in Nabil's room. As she was fluffing the last pillow, she felt a pair of strong hands round her waist.

She sighed in relief turning to see Nabil. "I have to go make my own bed if you dont mind." She patted his head from behind.

He turned her around to look at him. "You dont have to" he said.

She raised an eye brow giving him a confused look. "Meaning-"

"Dont act dumb with me Sauda!" He groaned his head falling back. "I want you to sleep with me"

She fell into a fit of coughs, before she finally composed herself.

"You...you want m...me to...to-" she stuttered closing her eyes and take a breathe. "You want me to sleep with you?"

"Tonight?" He nodded

"On this bed?" He nodded again.

"..." she was out of words to say again.

"Yes. Will you please sleep here?" He asked more calmly. She slowly nodded getting out of his grip slowly.

She cleared her throat. "I'll...I'll just go change"

After some time, she opened the door to his room and got in. He turned to look at her, already dressed in a navy blue pyjama shirt and a checker blue trouser.

She stood in the same position, her head hung low.

"Have you prayed?" Nabil asked her and she nodded.

"Why are you acting wierd then?" He chuckled. "Dont you want to sleep with me?" He pouted playfully.

A small smile formed on her lips. "It's not that. You know it" she closed her face.

He laughed. "Ok fine. Come on" he stretched his hand to her. She took his hand and he led her to the bed. He then turned off the light.

They laid there together, as he put the duvet over themselves. He wrapped his hand around her and he felt her body stiffen.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked again

"Yes" she said

"Why aren't you relaxing then? I can hear your heart beating fast" he chuckled sending vibrations. "You can tell me if you're uncomfortable"

"I'm okay" she said.

"I won't do anything you're not comfortable with. Promise" he said placing a kiss on her head.

"I know"


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