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Nabil walked out of the room like a zombie and headed to the living room. He saw Sauda spilling tears out of her ryes while she nodded at the things Abdallah said to her. Haidar stood in front of the door, his arms folded.

Abdallah was done talking ro her and as he stood up from the couch he spotted Nabil.

"Nabil get me her jilbab" Abdallah asked Nabil and Sauda refused to look back.

Nabil went and came back with one, handing it to Abdallah. He watched as she wore it, and Abdallah spoked to him.

"I'll come back to discuss this I'm not done with you yet" Andallah said ushering Sauda to the door.

She refused to turn back, even after she went out the door. He heard the sound of two cars starting and they drove off.

One thing was for sure: he could not repeat that ever.

He sat on the couch, Haidar's conversation coming back to him.

If it was Asal, would you have done it?"

He knew the answer to that. Anyone who was asked knew the answer to that. Everyone knew the love he shared with his sister. How close they were.

His mind went back to Sauda. Why did he slap her was his question. Why did he want her to leave him? Sauda is his cousin afterall, and that's second to a sister.

He dismissed all the thoughts and made himself a high caffeine coffee.

"Yaya you're takung coffee this late at night?" Asal asked Nabil as she walked down the stairs.

"I have work to do Asal I  need energy" he replied. She scoffed going over to him and snatched the cup away from him.

"You're not supposed to consume caffeine this late at night. It's not good for your health. It causes depression you know" she said "you know what you need?"

"Please, enlighten me doctor Asal" he grinned

"You need to sleep work freak. It wouldn't kill you to sleep for once. Move" she urged him to get up

"Jeez okay, okay. Im going"

"That's right you should" they both laughed.

He stared at the coffee long and hard, before her took a big gulp.


"I'm taking you to my house. You're always welcome there as much as you want" Abdallah took a sharp turn and stopped at a house with a blue gate.

She didn't say anything. The gates were opened and he drove in, alighting in front of the yard.

The house was quite spacious, main coloir being blue and gray. They both walked in.

"You're back" a woman said and they walked to her. Abdallah hugged and kissed her forehead. "Who is this?" She asked looking at Sauda

"This is Nabil's wife, Sauda. She'll be staying here for the meantime." He explained and she nodded.

"Let me take you in" she said leading her into a room.


"You have a nice house, Khadija" Sauda complimented smiling.

"It's nice isnt it?" Khadija smiled back setting the table for Sauda. She sat down on the opposite side with a cup of  in hand while she waited for Sauda to consume her food

"How long have you two been together?" She asked Khadija putting a spoonful of rice in her mouth.

"About six months." She replied sipping her tea.

"You're Sauda Dilregi, the designer aren't you?" She asked her and she smiled nodded. "Love your designs" Khadija complimented.

Abdallah walked in while they were in the middle of their small talks. "I'm going to Nabil, dont wait up for me" He said to Khadija"

"Why? What's wrong?"

"Nothing I'm just going for work purposes." He said looking at Sauda. He gave her an assuring smile before he walked out.

"Workaholics am I right?" Khadija giggled and Sauda couldn't help but laugh as well.


Fr now...goodnight!

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