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"You realise this stunt of yours can get out in your family right?" Adnan said. He himself was freaking out.

He closed the door to Nabil's office and looked at Nabil, sitting on his chair, zoned out.

Nabil was quiet. He has been awefully quiet and zoned out ever since that night.

"It has been two days already Abdallah, at least brin her back to me"

"Tell me why?" Abdallah raised a brow at him. "Tell me one good readon why I should then i might think about it"

"The guilt is eating me up already let me apologize to her at least."

"Oh the big man is going to apologize?" Adnan said and leaned closer to his face gripping the sides of his chair. "Tell me something I dont know"

"What do you want to know?"

"Have you taken your pills today?"

"Damn it stop mentionin them to me!" Nabil said lookibg heaven wards

"Nabil you need to take them-" Abdallah started

"No! You yourself  said I'm being too dependent on them so no...i did not take them and i wont"

"This isn't  going to work" Adnan whispered to Haidar.

"Just keep it up i know he'll break sooner or later" he replied back and he turned to Nabil.

"Why do you want to apologize to Sauda?"

"Because... she did nothing to me and i hit her"

"Why did you hit her?"

"Because she told Saada something that can get me in trouble"

"Why dont you want to get in trouble?"

"Soop questioning me!"

"Andwer me!"

"Cause they'll take her away!"

"Why do you want her to stay?!"

"I just do"

"Answer me!"

"Its nothing, I just want her to be there"

"So you just want her just because"

"Yes i just do"

"Give me a valid answer or I-"

"I love her okay?! I love Sauda, I dont know how but I want her and I want her to stay with me I love her"He cried out and Haidar slowly retreated away from him

Nabil hung his head low sobbing silently. "I dont want her to leave."

"Then why do you keep pushing her away?" Abdallah asked him

"I dont want to hurt her. I dont..." he broke down. The room was silent for sometime but was broken with Abdallah's phone ringing. He excused himself and left the office.

Adnan walked closer to him and squatted. "Clearly you need Sauda in your life stop making her leave"

"I cant, she has to leave me. I'm messed up you know? I was there when Asal-"

"Asal!" He thundered and calmed down.  "Her God wanted to tske her, je never said because she was your sister you have to follow her. Asal was your sister. We are talking your love, your wife Nabil. I dont mean to talk like this but you have to let Asal go-"

"It hard dont you know? I shared everything with her, she always was there for me-"

"She's gone now Nabil! That doesn't mean you let your life go with her. She was here for a reason and you were here for a reason. And i dont think the three of us have to come playing good cop, ad cop, nice cop for you to realise it! You're a man so act like a fucking mnn!!" Adnan lectured and Nabil stared deep into his eyes.

Adnan go the cup of coffee on Nabil's table and stared at him for sometime. "Since coffee seems to make you think straight, then i guess i love playing bad cop" that was the last thing he said before he emptied the content of the cup on his body. The hot liquid trickled down his face and Adnan threw him a napkin

"You're an asshole" he gritted wiping his face with the towel.

"At least I have a brain" he said and walked out of the office slamming rhe door.

"I'm going to keep this with me, only this time. Next time you do this shit, I'm not lostening to any excuses, I'm supporying Sauda in going home. " Haidar said quietly heading for the door. "I hope you know how it feels to be insulted now" He said and left the room too.

"Fuck you" he said to no one in particular getting up from his seat.

"Sir the meeting is commencing soon" he heard his secretary from nthe intercom.

"Dismiss it" he said shoving the napkin to his face again.


Is loving Sauda really a reason to slapping her and pushing her away so he wouldnt ' hurt her'?

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