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"What happened here?" Abdallah asked. He surveyed the room with his eyes, and his eyes bouncing from sauda on the bed and Nabil on the floor, zoned out.

"He relapsed" that was all Adnan said. Abdallah walked over to Sauda whom was finally put to sleep with some sleeping pills. His eyes went down from her face, to her torn clothes, to her cuts.

Abdallah turned to Nabil. "I told you to take those pills Nabil"

"Stop calling them out to me" he spoke for the first time in a low tone.

"You want me to send you to faint ville? You have a free ticket on punch express" Adnan looked at Nabil but Nabil eyed him. Abdallah looked at Adnan shaking his head.

"Violence won't help him. How long since he last saw his therapist?" Abdallah asked

"I don't know since the first week of their marriage I guess" Adnan shrugged. Abdallah crouched to his level. "How do you think Ummi will feel knowing about this?"

Nabil kept quiet. "How do you think her family will feel. Knowing they cannot trust you with your cousin sister. You told me you loved her"

"I also said i wanted her out of my life you fool" Nabil spat. "I almost raped her, Abdul. What if I ended yp doing it" he cried out uncontrollably.

"You love her but you want her out of your life?"

"There's a huge difference between loving someone and not being able to live without them" Nabil said calmly.

"Are you proud of this now?" Abdallah turned his neck so he could have a glimpse of Sauda. "You like seeing this shit?"

Nabil's heart broke seeing what he did to Sauda. Could he have been that violent. "Am I...bipolar Abdallah?" Nabil asked. Abdallah looked at Adnan for seconds before clearing his throat.

"Only you know the answer to that Nabil" he answered and got up and deep down, he knew it was a bitter lie he told.


"Ahh!!!" Sauda hissed jolting away as the iodine made contact with her wound.

"Its okay, I'm done. Sorry" Khadija said capoing back the bottle. She wrapped a gauze around her forearm and bandaged her neck wound.

"Thank you" Sauda thanked her pushing herself up the bed.

"Im so sorry this hapoened to you. You dont deserve this" Khadija gave her a sympathetic look. Saud looked away, all her life, what she hated was for someone to look at her sympathetically. But it was happening now. Because of who? Nabil.

Sauda sent her a small smile. "I must say you're a very strong woman. Domestic violence ain't easy to take, especially with a person you're familiar with, but you still managed to give me that cute smile" Khadija pinched her cheek and Sauda smiled again. Was she really familiar with Nabil?

"Where did the boys go?" She couldn't help bit ask.

"They went to take Nabil to the hospital. He might be staying there for a while"

"What do you mean?"

"Are you kidding me? That guy's a psycho, he has a nut loose in his head, look what he did to you. Its about time he got admitted" Khadija said taking abck the itens to the first aid box

"And I am the wrong one here" Sauda said "it's sad and scary that even after all he did I still feel something for him"

"Yes you feel something, but definitely not love. And trust me when I say if he can do this to you, he doesn't love you" Khadija reasoned with her. "You know most women who get abused dont really acknowledge it. You're submissive to him Sauda, you need to take a stand as a woman, his cousin."

"Its not that easy. Knowing I fell in love with him regardless of him being bipolar-"

"If he changes when he gets back, naybe something might work out, but as long as hesthis bipolar, you cannot be with an abisive man Sauda. You deserve to be happy" Kjadija jeld her hand in hers and kissed it.

Khadija went to make something for Sauda and she was left alone with her thoughts.

She loved him. And that's what scared her


Do you think Sauda is being submissive to Nabil?

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