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The morning started off with Sauda earing some cereal. As she woke up, she found a food warmer already on the table. She guessed it was from Nabil's home.

"Good morning" she said seeing Nabil walk out of his room. His full, curly hair pointing at all direcrions. Perks of the Dilregi family

"Morning" he said in his gruff voice. She got a plate for him, and served him what apparently was golden yam with egg sauce.

He ate silently as she used her phone scrolling through social media. Most of her feed was their picture, and the news of the business tycoon Dilregi daughter getting married to the business man Nabil Dilregi.

"Won't you eat?" He asked her

"I had cereal thank you" she said

"Nabil" she called his name and he looked up. "Can I go to the foundation today I am needed there" she asked him.

"No" he simply said and knowing how Nabil was she didnt push the conversation. She just got up and headed for her room.

He kept on eating. He didn't need to explain himself to her, he cared nothing about what others thought.

When he was done, he got up and headed to the living room when he received a phone call.

"Hello sir" he heard his secretary's voice. "Congratulations on your wedding sir. May God bless your togetherness" she said and he replied with a thank you.

"Sir I know you just got married but there is a problem at the construction sight, will you be able to come have a look?" She asked

"Okay I'll be there by 2pm in sha Allah" he said and ended the call.

He left the house without informing Sauda. He reached the site minutes after two.

"Sir the buildings aren't going as planned here" the supervisor showed him th blueprints.

Nabil took off his face-cap. "What is this? This is not what I asked for damn! I asked for a condo" He said. "Figure this out, I'll be back in two days. You expect me to face my clients like this?" He yelled turning to leave the site.

He drove to his mother's house.

"Nabil!" His mother beamed as he walked into the house. He gave her a light kiss on her cheek.

"How are you doing, Ummi?" He asked her finding a seat on the couch.

"Im fine Nabil. How is Sauda? Where is she" she inquired

"Sauda is home," he told her and his mother put her hand on her hip

"Nabil, dont tell me you're giving her the cold shoulder. I hope you're treating her fine?" She asked him

"Sure I am. It's just still new to us so we dont actually talk that much."

"Nabil you need to drop this secluding yourself attitude. It's turning you to something else as you distance yourself more." His mother said.

It was maghrib time, and after he prayed, he bid his mother goodbye before he left for his house.

He entered with a salam and the first thing he noticed was Sauda sitting on the couch.

"Oh thank God!" She said "where were you Nabil?" She asked him

"And that concerns you how?" He asked lifting and eye brow as he proceeded into the house.

"I'm your wife, I have to be concerned since my husband decided it was a great idea to leave the house without informing me." She followed him ibto the kitchen.

"Excuse me, do I need to tell you before I leave my house?" He asked grabbing a bottle of water.

"I'm not trying to fight with you-"

"Then shut the hell up and mind your business" he said. He glupped down some water "As you can see I am okay and breathing so thanks but no thanks for the concern" he said dropping the bottled water on the kitchen island and passed her heading to his room. 

Sauda was trying to hold back tears.  Dont let him get to you, it's Nabil she kept telling herself as she exited the kitchen.


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