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"Coffee" Sauda said keeping it on the table. Nabil picked it up and pushed the chips he was eating aside.

"So what is supposedly my work?" She asked him. He took a couple of sips of his coffee before replying.

"You'll be my P.A. I believe you've heard of that before"

"Sure enough" she hyped and pured a light green juice into a glass cup. She handed it over to him.

"Here. Try this" she ssid sitting down.

"What is this?" He asked her

"A drink, come on, try it" she said.

Damn, I'm not wearing my contacts he said to himself as he looked at the drink.

"I'm not drinking this" he told her

"Please, i won't poison you" she scoffed pushing the drink to him again. "Come on Nabil" she pouted

He sighed. If he didnt take it, she'll surely keep perstering him. He rolled his eyes, what's the worst that can happen

He brought the cup to his mouth. He took a sip. "Is this mint?" He asked her and she nodded.

"Is it good?" She asked him. He himself knew it was good, but was he going to own up to that? no.

"Why are you doing this?" He asked her but she still maintained that cheerful smile

"What am i doing"

"You trying to care for me?"

"Nabil you were my cousin before a husband; that's if you can actualy call yourself my husband. Even if you dont seen it everyone cares for you" she said

"Get ready we're going out today" he evaded the conversation and  got up to leave.


"What exactly do you do in that foundation?" Nabil asked her as he took a left turn.

"Fashion designer. It was a fashion designing foundation. I sketch styles" she answered looking ahead of her.

"Oh" he said taking a turn again. A car came speeding but he luckily he dodged it.

"ASS...HOLE" Nabil yelled word by word even though the driver was long gone and Nabil was still driving.

"you don't need to get agressive, at least you did not hit the car. You were driving at high speed." She adjusted her seating position recovering from almost being hit.

Nabil didn't answer her and continued driving. They arrived at the family house shortly after.

"It's the newly wedded love couple!" Their aunt Hajara beamed as they walked in.

They sat in the sitting room, on the same seat. Everyone was conversing and eventually, they were called for lunch.

Nabil picked up Sauda's hand and she jerked her hand away in reflex, as if she was touched by fire. They stared at each other and after a while of him stretching his palm for her, she slowly put it in his hand.

"We'll go pray, and after that we'll have lunch" their Uncle, Umar, Haidar's father said.

Nabil gave a light squeeze to her hand before letting go leaving Sauda shocked.  She did wish no one saw that. Composing herself, she headed upstairs to pray with the girls.

Nafisa was the one in the bathroom, leaving Sauda and Saada waiting out.

"So tell me, how is life with Nabil going for you?" Saada asked her lookung down on her phone.

"We're doing good" Sauda smiled.

"Okay? Just out of sheer curiosity... how is Nabil treating you?" She asked again. Sauda was confused as to why she would keep asking her all that

"Why are you throwing questions on me like that?" She asked. Nafisa walked out of the bathroom with water trickling down her face

"Jeez! It's so cold out here" She said shivering a bit.

"I saw what happened downstairs when he held your hand" Saada blurted out. She has always been the blunt type

Sauda's blood turned cold for a second before coming back. "I was just taken aback by it. I didn't expect it"

"So he doesn't even touch you for you to expect it"

"Stop with the interrogations Saada"

"Im sorry what am i missing here..." Nafisa interrupted

"Nothing i was just going to the bathroom " She stood up ready to head for the bathroom.

"Just tell me he doesn't abuse you. Emotionally or physically. I know Nabil-" Saada requested

"He doesn't " She answered her back turned to the girls as she headed to the bathroom.


Update!! A late night update!! Goodnight for now!

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