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She was flipping an egg in the frying pan when she heard him walk into the house. He just came back from escorting Abdallah out the door.

He walked into the kitchen and stood there unable to move. She looked at himand continued with her work.

"Sauda, can we talk?" He requested and she stopped for a bit, before going back to what she was doing. "Please" he added and she sighed.

Just the mere sight of him brought tear to her eyes, and she tried her best to not let them spill.

"I'm listening" she turned folding her arms

"Are you okay now?" He asked

"Yes I am. Why wouldn't I be?" She said looking down.

"What is wrong with you?"

"What? Shouldn't i be fine? Or should I keep wallowing in my room just because-"

"Dont finish that sentence" he said trying his eest to be calm.

"You are crazy. We are both crazy. You're just waiting for the slightest opportunity to pounce on me. If you're going ro be violent then please i beg of you stay away from me!" She pleaded bringing her hands together.

"I wanted to apologize okay? I'm truly sorry for what happened between us it was never my intention to-"

"Will you just shut up I dont even like hearing your voice. Your presence disgusts me, everything about you does. I'm sick of having to listen to all you tantrums like a kid"

"You're not the only one who has problems with the other. Can you stop being too difficultfor once and try to get someone right? Can you fucking stop wearing that cocoa scented cream? Fuck!" He hit his hand on the slab and he noticed Sauda crying.

"Oh you're the one crying now? I'm the one trying to apologize here and you're crying? Next you know everyone will believe little princess over here over the devil huh?" He moved closer to her. "You are no angel. You're evil. You have a worst dark side than me"

She sniffled a little and looked up. "I'm going to be honest and blunt with you if that's what you want. I hate that I have to see your face wherever I go. I hate that I have to hear you wherever I go. Whenever i go to sleep. I hate that I have to love you" she cried out and he stumbled back almost loosing his balance.

"You think pushing me away is helping? The fact yhat no matter what you do, i dont want to leave is really FUCKED UP!" She held her head in her plams sobbing as she slid down on the floor.

"I hate tou for making me fall in love with you Nabil, I hate you" she kept whimpering to herself shaking her head.

A tear slipped out of Nabil's eye. He walked closer to her but she sropped him. "Please, you've already done too much damage" she said but he ignored her.

He sat beside her and pulled her closer to him. She tried to wiggle away from his embrace but he never let go.

"I'm really sorry Sauda. I never meant for anything to happen, please" he pleaded with her and she eventually stopped struggling and relaxed for the first time in his arms.

"Youre the cause of all my sorrows and sadness" she started sniffling.

"I know"

"You're an idiot. You're so arrogant, so annoying. You piss me off. You guve me headaches. All that from you"

"Im sorry"


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