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"Hello Adnan" Abdallah said into the phone


"Uhm I came to the office, and the door to Nabil's office is locked can you tell me where he is?"

"He called me earlier telling me he wanted to go to their family house" Adnan answered. "What is it?"

"No its nothing. He's already going out now?"

"Yes and dont worry we only let him cause he's going ro his fsmily house."


"Is what I'm seeing and hearing about Sauda true young man?" His uncle Zubair asked him and he nodded.

"And how do you feel doing such an act?" His other uncle asked

"I feel ashamed. But i am truely sorry-"

"Young man, sorry would not erase the wounds or bruises. Now tell me how you truely feel towards Sauda?" Uncle Zubair asked

He kept wuiet. He knew the answer bit aaying it to the two men standing in front of him made him feel hypocritical.

"Answer boy" Uncle sulaiman yelled

"I love Sauda, and I will do everything to show it" he finally answered. The two men shared a look and Zubair spoke first.

"Im speaking to you as a father in law now, not an uncle, if anything were to happen to my faughter again, there's nothing anyone can do to stop me from separating you two and sending you to jail." Zubair threatened and deep down Nabil knew he was not joking.


"How was your meeting with-" she was cut off as he wrapped his hands around her. She was taken aback by the sudden contact.

He pressed his lips on her neck, sucking on it. She bit her bottom lip preventing the wanton moan to escape.

"Are you going to leave me?" He asked her. Something was wrong

"I wont Nabil. I promise" she said. Something went on in the house she was sure of it.

"Would it be selfish of me if I told you I loved you?" He said and she was shocked. She couldn't say a word. He finally said it

"N..no...not at all" she stammered. He turned her around and gave her a bone crushin hug. "Dont leave me Sauda, you're what I need right now"

Even if she did not understand what he was about, she hugged him back. "I'll always be here for you Nabil"

She never understood him. One minute he wants her, the other he wants her to disappear off the face of the earth. So what is it going to be Nabil?


"Are you free this afternoon?" Sauda asked Nabil.

"Depends on what we're gonna do" he smirked and she felt her face flush.

"I...I wanted you..to uhmm help me with uhh my job application" she said. "I want to work at IB collections. I want to take my designs to the next level" she said and before he could ask she added. "And I heard the boss there is super nice"

He thought for sometimw before he sighed. "Okay...fine" he said and she beamed hopping on his engulfing him in a hug.

"Thank you" she said "you dont know what this means to me"

"Yeah and my reward?"

"What reward?"

"I want to see a part of your body" he smirked knowing she'll get the wrong idea. "Oh no no...I meant your hair"

"Jeez you're so annoying" she said and took of her head scarf.

Nabil has always been one to love long hair, but seeing Sauda's fluffy curly jet black hair put in a bun, he couldn't resist the urge to pull the ribbon out.

Her hair went down to her shoulders. He gulped a bit. "Wow" was all he could say. "This isnt how i imagined your hair" he said srill looking at it. It was oddly very soft, the curls deceiving the eyes.

"Didn't meet to your expectations right?" She grabbed the ribbon and sat on his lap. Her hands flew up to pack her hair. He caught her hands mid process placing them back down.

"No... not at all. I..I love it" he made out his words ccarefully. "Dont you think the way we're sitting is a little bit... what's the word...intimate?" He smirked

She realised the position she was in. Stranded on his laps, legs spread, arching her back. He held her waist in place. "Why dont we stay like this for some more time?" He smirked as she tried to get off.

"Nabil someone might walk in-"

"We're alone here Sauda. We have enough privacy" he leaned in to kiss her. He stopped inches away from her lips, teasing her as his breathe fanned her lips. "Tell me you want me"

She couldn't make out any words as she felt her own heart betraying her, thumping rapidly in anticipation.

"Say it Sauda. You want to say it,  say it" he urged her gripping her waist tighter. Her lips were parted and that got him loosing his mind again. "Tell me" he was doing everything in his power to avoid doing something else.

"I...I-" she started

"Nabil where..." Abdallah's voice came and immediately Sauda jumped off him. Abdallah, Khadija, Adnan and Nafisa were standing in the room, eyes wide of shock.

She got her ribbon and scarf leaving the room quickly clearly embarrased.

Nabil on the other hand was really embarrased. "Ahh-" Nafisa started

"Shut up" he said avoiding their eyes. He has never been that embarrased in his whole life.

Not that we were doing anything wrong

"I'll reserve my comments to be discussed with my wife" Abdallah shared a look with Khadija and Nafisa with Adnan.

"I'll go check on her, she must be dying. Poor baby is all grown up" Nafisa said

"I'll come with you" Khadija called and they both diappeared upstairs.

"Ask her how his lips taste like" Adnan yelled after the girls and Nabil got up, chasing him around the house.


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