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She served him breakfast and sat on the chair beside him. He looked up at her and she moved the chair away.

They ate silently, just the clank of utensils against the ceramic plates heard.

"Believe me I also dont want to be associated with that name" Nabil broke the silence and Sauda looked up.  "Ahmad Dilregi" he continued.


"I thought of what you said last night. I know you want that but do you really want to get insulted? When you know a place doesn't appreciate you, leave" he adviced her

"I have no other place to work"  she simply replied.

"You could work at my company. You could work as my P.A if that's what you really want. It's not much but do you want this?" He asked her for confirmation and she nodded.

"Words Sauda"

"Yes, thank you" she said lookung down. She was avoiding his eyes as much as she could.

"I'll arrange everything, and I'll get back to you in two days time but if you have some place in mind, let me know" He said and got up. "I'm going out, feel free to keep yourself  occupied." He said before grabbing his car keys and left.

She wondered why he suddenly was nice to her. She got up as well and went to have her bath.

She got out wearing a towel around herself. She dressed up in a navy blue  loose fit jean and a white t-shirt.

She decided to try a recipe She had always wanted to try for a mint drink. She quickly whiped it out.

She brought it to her lips, taking a sip. Her eyes widened in shock as she never thought it would be that good.


"You sure you're good Man?" Abdallah, Nabil's other friend asked

"Yes I am fine" Nabil said sulking on the couch.

"How are things going with your wife ?" Adnan asked him

Wife. He said to himself. "Dont say that!" He groaned.

"What? Call her your wife? You need to accept it."

"Yes and accepting will be my first step to falling for her" he said

"Nabil, you're a man, no matter how much you hide it you know you'll have to have feeling for her. Not to add you see her every damn  day." Abdallah said. Nabil shifted on the couch.

"If I love her, chances are they'll do the same to her as Asal" he said bitterly.

"That was 2 years ago Nabil" Adnan said

"And you've seen what those two years made me haven't you?" He yelled

There was a pin drop silence in the room. Adnan got up ready to leave. "Sooner or later, you'd have to submit to your emotions. And i don't expect you to keep pushing her away or use violence" he said before heading out the door.

Adnan was right, sooner or later he'll have to succumb to his growing feelings for Sauda. And that was what scared him.


I haven't been writing notes!! Cause im too excited to publish 😂

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