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"What happened Sauda I saw your calls? Is everything alright?" Haidar asked her through the phone

"I haven't heard from you for a while. How have you been?" She put her phone agaunst her ear holding it with her shoulder.

"I've been alright. I actually just came back from Turkey, Uncle Zubair sent me. How is Nabil?"

"Actually I wanted to talk to you about him"

"What about him. Is-"

"Nothing happened. I just think he needs to see Dr Yusha again"

"Why do you think so"

"He's taking up a self blaming attitude, saying that he could have raped me if Adnan wasn't there two months ago" she said.

There was a brief silence. "Okay, I'll arrange an appointment. I'll get back to you" he said and ended the call.

She placed her phone face down on the counter, sughing in the process. Everything was going great, until yesterday night.

She got the mug from under the coffee maker and proceeded to keep it on the tray packed with scrambled eggs and bread.

She took the tray with her to the dining room and headed to Nabil's room. She knocked softly on the door.

She opened it a few seconds after and walked into the room.

Sauda's eyes widened in shock when she saw Nabil on the floor, with his pills sprayed across the floor and a knife.

She ran to him. "Nabil! Nabil are you alright?" She tapped his cheeks and his eyes slowly opened.

"Sauda?" He whispered looking at her with hooded eyes

"What did you do?" Her face set into a deep frown as she took his hand in hers.

He shook his head. "I was about to. But I couldn't. I was thinking about you" He hushed looked straight into her eyes.

As she looked more into his eyes, she knew there was something he was keeping to himself. Something he was not saying that is affecting him internally. There was  a hidden story behind those eyes.

"Oh Nabil" she said pulling his body into a hug. "You did great"

She grabbed the back of his neck, placing her head on his forehead. She could feel his breath coming out ragged as they stayed unmoved for seconds. He looked as though he was having a debate with his mind.

"Nab-" she started but her mouth got shut by Nabil's.

He caught the back of her head, moving his lips against hers, letting out nothing but groans and smacking noises. He nibbled on her lower lip as he carried her to the bed. He sat on the bed, and she was on his laps, his hands around her waist.

Something was not right. He started pulling away, like he wanted to get away from there. But Sauda held him. He needed to accept the fact that he loves her, and forcing himself away from her was not the best option.

He groaned looking down but Sauda made him look up. "Don't Nabil, it'll be okay" she whispered bringing her lips down on his. 

He returned the same energy afterall, kissing her with desire and passion.

He turned them around, as he got on top of her. He kissed down her neck, the latter letting out nothing but moans. She was as lost as she could be.

Nabil groaned moving back, "No" he murmered but Sauda held him in place. Now he stared into her eyes.

She cupped his face. "Don't do it Nabil. Stop pushing me away. Show me you love me. I know you do and I also do. Don't do this to both of us, Nabil."

He was silent for a moment. "You're addictive and that's scaring me. I cannot keep hurting you. And if it means sacrificing myself for you then I will"

"Are you breaking the bond we have because you're afraid? You're scared?"

"I am scared of loosing you, princess. That is why I cannot do this now. Not like this" he said and moved away from her.

"You're breaking my heart by doing this Nabil. You keep leading me on. Everytime I think we are okay you prove me wrong." She sat up.

He sighed cupping her face. "You have to understand; I love you okay? And that is why I have to let you go. I'm an uncontrollable monster. I could snap anytime and I don't want you to be the one I take out on. I love you Sauda, never doubt that" He spoke giving her a small smile as he stroke her hair.


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