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She screamed and soon her scream was muffled by a hand over her mouth. She kept yelling though, and crying drastically. Who are there people?

There were 3 men there, each looking disgusting with a stench of Alcohol.

"Asal!" I yelled and one guy came over to me holding me down. He was so strong, i kept on struggling but it was useless.

He twisted my head to look at the scene. They tore apart my sister's pyjamas, touching her everywhere. I couldn't watch anymore. I tried to look away, but the man held my head in place. I quickly shot my eyes close. I could hear her, screaming, crying, struggling. But i couldn't do anything. Couple hours later, I heard a body hit the the ground.

I couldn't open my eyes, still struggling. I heard her spit at him, "you disgusting asshole!!" She screamed still crying.

In a totally different situation, I would jave scolded her for knowibg such a bad word, but they deserved it.

I opened my eyes and found her in a corner, holding her clothes against her. The man walked over to her slapping her face hard. She fell on the  tiles, crying harder. My aderaline was rising, fast. When I felt the man's grip on me loosen, I quickly wiggled myself away from him, kicking him in the process. "Move the hell away from my sister." I yelled pushing the en away. They chuckled looking at me, tumbling away.

"Oh so big bro has been here all this time? Wow nice show everyone" they high fived themselves. The 2nd man punched me on the cheeks, blood instantly spiting out of my mouth.

"So here's the deal kid, your bastard father, ran away with our money, and we want it back. He's probably lying around drunk on the streets" The first said flashing his yellow teeth. He lit a tobacco, puffing the smoke on me. I coughed several times before I stopped as he grabbed my neck, preventing me from breathing.

"Then go...find him like the bastard you are" I managed to say "not...rape an innocent...girl" and that's when another punch was delivered to my jaw and everything went black.

He clenched his eyes shut at the mere thought of the memory. He gluped down hard. Fuck

Dont 'Fuck' asshole, pray

Oh God!

"Mr Dilregi, you have an appointment with your therapist today at 3pm" His secretary informed him.

"Alright" he simply said.

He needed him that day. Not that he was doing any good, but he knew he needed his session

As it clocked 3pm, Nabil took his leave to his office. He  entered and thankfully, no one in line.

"Hello Nabil, how are you feeling today?" He questioned as Nabil lie back down

"Okay i guess" he sighed.

"And how about your vision, are the lenses doing any good?" The doctor asked him

"Oh the contact lenses are good" he replied  giving a small smile.

"Doctor" he breathed out. "I dont want to keep this to myself anymore. It has been 3 years already, I've kept it to myself " he said

"How does it feel when you think of it?" The doctor asked

"I feel constricted, unable to breath" he answered

Doctor Yusha scribbled something in his note pad. "What you need is someone to talk to, someone to spill your feelings to.  It wont be easy but it's worth a try" the doctor adviced.

Nabil sat up, contemplating what to say next. Not being able to find the words, he bid the doctor goodbye.

As he reached home, he met his mother in the living room.

"Nabil where have you been-" she started.

"I was with doctor Yusha" he replied. He knew she was going to start nagging him. Whenever the slightest inconvenience happens, she jumped to the conclusion he was in trouble.

"Next time, keep your phone on okay?" She said and he smiled walking to her.

"Ummi..." he said hugging her from behind. "Im okay. I'll be here for you always" he said

"Bur you're getting married in less than two weeks now, till you decide to visit me" she said to him smiling.

"Ummi I'll visit you always, wven when I'm married" he assured her. "Im going to my room now. Good night" he said


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