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She was back to square one. She did still pray with Nabil at least. And he still answered her good mornings. But that was all that brought them together in the house.

Sauda has never been agitated in her life. As what Nabil said to her that night kept coming back ro her.

Get out

What happened was Haidar and Saada visited. As a person who is used to it, she hugged both of her cousins. Little did she know it'll anger Nabil that much.

"Why did you do that?" He asked her

"Do what?" She replied. She was totally oblivious.

"Hug Haidar. Don't you know you're married now? To me? What did you do with him"

"I didnt-"

"Is that what you'll do when you're out?" He said and she faced him unbelievably

"We had sex, happy?" She got up. "I'm sorry Nabil, but unlike you, i know how to uphold myself. I dont have the large ego you have." She said

"Large ego? You call correcting you from hugging a none Mahram ego? "

"You're insane" she said trying to walk past him. "Can you please move now?" She said calmly.

"Go on" he moved and she starting walking away "that's what you're good at Sauda" he said and she stopped dead in her tracks.

"Excuse me?"

"Cowering away from what you fear" he stated walking closer to her until she hit the wall. "You didn't want to marry me. In a million years even if i was the last male on earth you wouldn't marry me. You just did it to please the eye" he said looking at her dead in the eye.


"Why did you do it. Money is no issue as you're a part of this family after all. Fame isn't as well. Then why?" He asked. "You crushing on me?"

"Dont ever say that" she croaked out wiping a lone tear that escaped.

"Then tell me why you did it or I swear you're sleeping outside" he said to her. And she knew when Nabil says something he meant it.



"I'm not-"

"Why?! Dont make me ask again Sauda" he said. Sauda looked down. Why did she do it afterall?

"Get out". He seethed and she looked at him. He could not be serious...

"I said get out! Or do I have to force you?" He yelled gripping her shoulder and pushing her to the door.

"Nabil what are you-" she stopped as she saw him opening the door.

"Get out!" He gritted one last time as he pushed her out.

"Nabil open up!" She screamed. "Fuck! Nabil open the door"

But Nabil never did. As he went to his bedroom and popped two pills into his mouth. That should get her out of my life.


Nabil could not have been serious, could he?

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