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The sound of her phone constantly vibrating on the bed led her to groan opening her eyes. It was her alarm clock and she turned it off.

Her head hit the pillow again, and she jolted up as she heard a loud crash.

She quickly ran to the kitchen, only to see Nabil standing with his fingers pinching the bridge of his nose. He scratched his side burns and bent over to pick the broken pieces.

She was amused and decided to watch him more. He got the broomstick and a parker.

He swept off all the pieces and disposed them in the dustbin. He headed back to his coffee machine, and got himself a cup.

He turned around and he came face to fsce with her smiling.

"Good morning" she greeted him with a smile.

"How long have you been there?" He asked her. Sauda moved to the cabinet bringing out a box of cereal.

"Long enough" she replied getting a bowl. She prepared hwr cereal and joined him on the table.

"So...I was thinking" she started

"That can't be good" he murmured enough for her to hear

"Hey! You can't always assume my ideas are bad. Look how well my dinner went last night" she smirked and he smiled back at her

"Alright lets hear from 'the great planner'"

"Lets go shopping"

"See you had me and you lost me"

"Come on!" She whined

"That's not something that's definately not gonna happen" he went to the sunk keeping his cup there


"Why do you have to be so adamant" he said as they pulled up in front of the super market

"I don't remember forcing you to drive" Sauda raised and eyebrow and tilted her head.

Nut job he murmured. "I know I'm crazy, Nabil, you just need to deal with me" she patted his shoulder, placing a kiss on his cheek.

He didn't lie to himself, though he tried to hide the smile itching to surface up.

"Are you okay sitting in the car?" She asked him and he gave her a simple nod.

"See you in ten, B" she blew him a kiss and strode off. "Wow" he said to himself.


"Soo...I'm back" Sauda said hopping into the car.

"You're sure you're done?" He asked her starting the car.

"Of course I am. And...I have a surprise for you" she said poking his nose.

"Which is?" He placed his palm on his chin, facing her

"It won't be a surprise if I told you would it?" She smirked pushing him away.

He turned away, stiffling his chuckle avoiding smiling. He started driving

"You know you shouldn't force yourself to quit laughing don't you think" she looked at him.

"I do smile when I want to"

"Then why don't you with me?" She pouted

"I do smile with you, and you know it"

"Well I think tou s hi ould smile more, makes you more lively" she gave him a toothy smile and he smirked. "And quit smirking that wierd"

She felt relieved, she finally made him laugh whole-heartedly.


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