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They sat on a beautifully adorned couch. Sauda's face being covered with a transparent orange veil, as she wore an orange fitted lace gown with silver shiny heels.

Nabil sat next to her. She watched him silently. He was all grown up now. Just looking at him made her heart take a deep drop. She was married to this man.

She silently gasped as she felt a hand intertwining with hers. She looked at Nabil whom gave her a small squeeze. Was it to assure her everything would be fine or not?

She still smiled though, smiling for the cameraman, as flashes flashed their eyes.

She couldn't understand why he was like that. He was the type of man with everything. Looks, fame, money. He was the type of man to steal any woman's heart and still refuse to return it. Ever since his sister's death, he changed. He changed drastically.

No more the sassy smiling Nabil, only the reserved, get-out-of-my-business Nabil.

As night fell, it was time. Time to move into a new life. Time to go to their new home. Prayers were said to the couple as they  were driven to their new home.

It would have been much better for her if anyone; anyone in the house at least volenteered to go with her. But, she knew she could only wish.

The door was opened, and she was a bit relieved to see Saada and Nafisa, her two cousins.

"Dont hype yourself too much, we were just finish up with your room" Nafisa said and her face dropped

The driver and a guard brought in the remaining of their luggage into the house. Nafisa and Saada were about to leave.

"Goodnight girls" Sauda said hugging the life out of both of them.

"Sheesh girl were just leaving for the night" Saada said and they all laughed. They bid Nabil goodnight and the door was closed. She was in her home.

The house was nice. A four bedroom bungalow with two living rooms, a fining area and a kitchen.

"Your room's that way" Nabil spoke for the first time pointing at a room at the begining of  the hallway.

"Thank you" she replied walking to the room. She headed to the bathroom, which was in the walk in wardrobe.

She removed her jewelries, then her head tie, letting her finely palited hair fall to her shoulders. She then walked into the bathroom, turning on the hot shower to relax her muscles.

She used a caramel sented bathing liquid soap. She brushed her teeth, done  with her necessities and came out wearing a maroon bathrobe around her body.

She yelped throwing the clothing she had in hand. "What are you doing here?" She closed herself with the robe more even though it was above her knee.

"We are going to pray, you should change quickly" Nabil his eyes roaming her body carefully.

"Okay thank you" she said as she walked back into the walk in wardrobe.

She quickly changed and walked out grabbing a prayer mat and a hijab.

She met him in his room, wearing nothing but a black vest and a sweatpant. She cleared her throat making him acknowledge his presence.

They prayed together, and he placed his hand on her head praying for her. As they were done, he looked at her. "What are you wearing?" He asked her

"What is it?" She asked

"Am I smelling cocoa?" He threw back

"Yes...the liquid soap was caramel scented and the Vaseline was cocoa" she explained and he hummed. She took it as a cue for her to leave.

"What do you want to eat?" He asked her before she left

"I'm okay thank you" she said before walking out.


Dont tell me im the only one finding this cute? <3

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