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Hello, anyone there!

"I am beginning to wonder why you love these movies?" Nabil asked stuffing his face with some popcorn with one hand around Sauda

"Why? They're a lot of fun. You're the one I should be asking why you're not" Sauda replied him. They were sitted in his room, on the bed watching a horror movie.

"Because honestly since the beginning of this so called 'annabelle' I haven't seen anything scary enough" Nabil commented and she turned her head to look at his.

"Alright fine. Let's try another genre. How about 'now you see me'?" She asked raising an eye brow

"I can guess it is a magic show from the name"

She groaned "you take the fun out of everything, Nabil" she pouted crossing her arms.

"Come on babe don't be angry. You know I love you" he said and she turned to him smirking.

"You said it. You lost. So now you tell me your age!" She jumped out of the bed, dancing a victory dance.

"Why do you want to know my age so bad? "

"So I know I'm not married to an old man" she replied

"Old man? You have any idea where all this fitness comes from?" He lifted his shirt. "Just abs here baby" he smirked making her laugh.

"Yeah yeah. We know the big guy is fit and has muscles." She murmered moving her hair behind her ear.

"You know what else I want to do today?" He also got up from the bed, walking towards her. He wrapped his hands around her.

His hands moved to her back, stopping on her zip. "You know how old I am, princesa?" He whispered against her ear but she stood her ground, not letting him get a reaction out of her.

His fingers touched her zip, as if teasing her whether or not he should pull it down. "I am twenty nine. Happy now?" He asked moving away from her.

She couldn't get a word out, as her body started to heat up. She sucked in a deep breathe. "Twenty nine? I ought you to be older. Anyways, take your medications" she tried to dismiss the conversation by walking over to the side drawer, and grabbed the medicines.

"Thank you" he thanked her when she brough it to him. All the while he was staring at her. He has always been intrigued by Sauda. Since they were children.

"And you could have just done the zip for me, I was going to change into my pj's anyways" she said and he chuckled

"What's funny?"

"You said PJ's" he laughed. "Aren't you a little too old for-"

"Just shut up Nabil" she buried her face in her palms. "Can you get it for me?"

"Sure give me a sec" he said gulping down his tablets and moving closer to her.

He started working the zip down her back. Each second he felt heat passing through his body as he saw the small of her back, the arch on her back. He gulped down moving away from her.

"Thanks" she said walking into his closet.

"Damn, she can't keep doing this to me. She's looking so innocent when she isn't" he murmered to himself.

She came out a couple of minutes later with a towel around her. Is she seriously trying to seduce me tonight?

He looked away, the wall seeming interesting for a second.

She sat down on the dresser, totally ignoring his presence as he used his phone. 

"You know we still have some things from that house right?" She finally spoke

"Oh yeah...shit I totally forgot about it. Anyway I'll talk to some people about it, they'll handle it." He answered looking down on his phone again.

He caught a glimpse of her arm, having to look up again to confirm his mind. He got up walking towards her.

His fingers grazed her arm, stopping where a visibly clear scar was. "Is-" he stopped when she looked into his eyes. Something shattered inside him at that moment.

"I was responsible wasn't I?" He asked her but she kept quiet

"Dont worry about it, Nabil it's just a scar" she assured him getting up.

All the visuals came rushing nack in his head. How he cut her. How he assulted her. How he was on top of her.

He moved back from her. "Dont come closer Sauda" he mumbled holding his head.

"Nabil, dont-"

"Please don't come closer Sauda. I'm begging you now"

"I know you're going to think you'll hurt me but you wouldn't. This...this happened two months ago you've changed aren't you?"

"Who knows. Don't you understand the depth of this situation Sauda?" He asked his eyes showing nothing but hurt.  He slipped to the ground, resting his head against a wall.

"I almost raped you Sauda. I almost took your dignity. How could that be okay? The same thing  that I claim to hate with passion was what I was about to do. I dont even deserve to liv-"

"No Nabil. You stop blaming yourself. The important thing is you didnt-"

"Well what if Adnan wasn't there to stop me huh! Then what?"

"That was not you Nabil! That was not you. You need to stop blaming yourself. It's normal to make mistakes" Sauda cried out trying to make Nabil understand.

"No Sauda. Mistakes are normal. But that was a sin. My advice right now. Please, I'm sorry but just stay away from me. Stay away!" He warned her.

Sauda had no other choice but to walk out of the room, completely disappointed with both herself and Nabil.


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