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"I made her sleep outside, Adnan" he said taking a sip of his drink. "I dont know what got to me, i took the pills before going out on her"

"You need to stop depending on those pills Nabil. If anything it's making you dependant on it. Start practicing on your own nature-"

"What good does my natural self do anyone. You've seen her. She fucking did nothing to me. I would have understood if it was someone else but she's my cousin." Nabil sighed "I'm a sick person"

He tried typing into his laptop, but he wasnt having it. He hissed slamming it shut. "Im going home"

"Your house?" Adnan asked and he stopped before resching for the door. My house. He tasted it in his mouth

"Yes" he lookd over his shoulder. "And even though I know she hates me, I hope she doesn't hate me more now" he said and opened the door.


He met Sauda in the kitchen with the maid. He motioned for the maid to walk out before he spoke to her.

"Listen Sauda-"

"I dont want to hear anything Nabil" she said turning on the blender.

"Hear me out here-" she turned off the blender

"Why? So you can further insult me? So you can further hurt me? No thank you i think I've had enough for 2 nights in a row" she said turning the blender bsck on.

He sigh locking his jaw. "You're getting it wrong-"

"I dont freaking give a damn what I'm getting. Now can you get out of my kitchen or do i have to result to something else?" She shouted and he silently walked out.

He knew he deserved it, but it bruised his ego for her to be yelling at him that way. It was his fault. He knew it. So he had no right to talk back.

He was sorry. For the first time in a while he was truely sorry but why was Sauda giving him a hard time?

He wanted to forget. He wasnted to foegrt the pain. He needed his therapist. Fuck the therapist I need my freaking pills. He got up and walked into his room. He was about to pick it when he noticed something off.

He kept the bottle on his side drawer but now it was on the table. Very wierd. Or..fuck!

He stormed out of the room to the kitchen. "Sauda!" He yelled her name as he finally reached the kitchen.

"What is wrong now?" She said clearly iriitated.

"Were you in my room today?" He asked her and immediately her pupils diluted. Gotcha

"Why would I-" she started

"Where you in my room today?!" He asked again more sternly. "And dont you dare lie to me because I know it when you lie. Your pupils visibly dilate so tell me, what did you do in my room?"

When she didnt reply he spoke. "You see that's your fucking problem Sauda, you dont fucking mind. Your. Business" he said it to her face.

"What do you expext me to fo having a husband like you-"

"Dont you use those words on me because my attitude doesn't still explain why you were in my room" he said and held up the container to her. "Is it this you were looking for. What to do with it? Show everyone? Every fucking person in that house knows I go for therapy so I see no reason why-"

"I can read Nabil it says psychiatric disorders-" she cried out and he cut her

"That doesn't explain-"

"It freaking explains everything! And it's not helping you" she cried out

"Oh so now you're dictating my life?" He asked looking at her cry. He moved closer to her with the bottle of water. He stared at her intently for seconds, before he threw the rest of the water in her face.

The water was cold, but Sauda tried her best not to flinch. "And clean that up" he said before walking out of the kitchen.


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